Anonymous ID: 718cb5 June 18, 2018, 10:53 a.m. No.1799301   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9314 >>9408 >>9472 >>9691

Occam's razor mean we should think of the simplest and most direct explanation. I think the "D" means either declas or donald (DJT).

It is a message to those who are in authority to declasify the missing details in the redacted IG report.




Morning sun brings heat = the revelations will indeed bring heat on the ones involved.


Full moon coming = the time is almost ready for disclosure of missing details.


Undiscovered stars learned = the plan has been basically revealed and details were learned and understood by most anons.


Mission forward = ready to proceed to the next step of the plan.


In the last couple of days q emphasised the importance of preparing the board and infrastructure (memes graphs etc) to help fight the MSM's spin attempts and bring the truth to the wide public, once all is declasified.

I think it is a message to those who can declasify that "the anons are ready, the stage here is set, we can proceed"

Anonymous ID: 718cb5 June 18, 2018, 11:27 a.m. No.1799760   🗄️.is 🔗kun



A star witness could be peter strzok for example.

The question is wht would he direct it to devin nunes or whoever else can bring the declasification. They should know that strzok is cooperating. Maybe it means that the anons here have understood this fact, as was evodent by the fact that earlier q linked to a graph made on this issue by an anon.