Anonymous ID: ea20b7 June 18, 2018, 11:17 a.m. No.1799622   🗄️.is 🔗kun


D = Declas_[IG Report: Unredacted: Unaltered] + [+]

Morning Sun Brings Heat = 6/21 Summer Solstice? Longest Day of the year. Potential telegraph for time and location of "D" drop. "Sun" (Chicago Sun, Baltimore Sun) "Morning" First Release, all day coverage.

+7 Days 6/21 - 6/28 (of Light: Unspinnable Public Scrutiny)

Full Moon Coming = Full Moon 6/28 Metaphor? That which was hidden "Dark" will come into the "Light" and can be seen even at night "Full Moon" = No More Hiding.


Potential multiple FF starting now till Full Moon.


Missions forward. = Plan/Timeline solid, players in play, drops ready, Enjoy the show.




Watch all the cockroaches scurry into non-existent shadows!