SOFR or sum shit new money system going
Into effect
CBDC. That has and is failing world wide
This shit needs to stop
Bankers gotta go
Return to gold and join the rest of the trading world
SOFR or sum shit new money system going
Into effect
CBDC. That has and is failing world wide
This shit needs to stop
Bankers gotta go
Return to gold and join the rest of the trading world
Where's the wheels
The whole medical thing and being sold the day your born needs to stop
Stop vax. All …not good fer ya
Was just wondering same
If numbers _( thru) ___(
Get saline and. Not some poison
Who gets to choose
And starts day your born
Think about it
If the shit they been passing off as cures
Only triggers
What where or how long before
You are terminated
They been playing God for a long time
Incest kept messing up Elites gene pool
So if they got
The best and rid of undesirable ones