Anonymous ID: 266849 June 18, 2018, 12:24 p.m. No.1800473   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0600






>Message not for Anons.

>Ability to share [open].

(Open letter) Dear Devin,


>Morning sun brings heat.

>(Heat) on who?

Nice tweet! Want to bring it to the White House? We should inspire more Congressmen like you to like foreign languages. It's what makes America great.


>Full moon coming.

>(Full) transparency _ DECLAS?

Jun. 28 (Thursday) "Strawberry Moon" 04:53UTC (next full moon)

Incidentally, and on an entirely unrelated note, did you hear about the Space Force? POTUS signed the Executive Order this morning! It's amazing what can be done with EOs.


>Undiscovered stars learned.

>(Undiscovered) facts emerge?

(((Somebody))) is about to be famous. Wonder who it is?


>Missions forward.

>Ability to move forward?

Everything is going according to plan. Roadblock is about to be (or has been) removed. Proceed at your discretion.


>Occam's Razor.

K.I.S.S. The least complicated explanation tends to be the correct one.
