IG hearing = one big nothingburger. We arent even making our way to finding out the real IG Report wasnt even released Thursday. That would be step1 and we arent even to step 1
Wray: I dont believe that Mueller is on a witch hunt
Exactly! ;)
Ok anons, who would officially request the original IG Report? Would it be Horowitz who would request it? Or would he already have it in his possession, so maybe Sessions would request it?
And in order for them to request original IGReport, it first has to be established the wrong report was released? We need to get there first, geez this is slow
No its called having a fucking brain and fucking opinion. Im sorry that you live a life where you feel everyone should think exactly like you
Horowitz just said nothing was done to make the report weaker facepalm
My guess at this point, is Horo and Wray have to act like they dont yet know the report was changed. They have to "discover" it and then act confused and baffled. We just arent there yet
I dont know what angle they are taking here. So far, doesnt look like any progression. I trust the plan, but am confused also
Dumbshit, re-read my post you responded to. I said they have to ACT like they dont know it has been changed. ACT. Key word: act.