Anonymous ID: 5494b6 June 18, 2018, 12:24 p.m. No.1800472   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0625

>>1797245 (pb)

One on left is shooped?

Face is cut and paste? Look at it's "left ear"?



Early autist investigator called the Obama / Osama thingy 10 years ago. Synchronicity.

Too bad his life was ruined by CointelPro with Jones-Hicks and Post NYC "journalist" and other sell-out haters at the lead. We must remember those who gave their lives.

Jones-Hicks is a funhouse mirror reflexion of a true patriot.

He distorts the image and makes us all appear as fools.

How would we take him down?

The osama obama face comparison video was posted earlier. Here's a copy of the file for those who might want to look again. I certainly took it as a joke. But the same handwriting? too much.


also the "Tribal Gear" with ak-47 must refer to a pic everyone always considered to be Osama? If someone brought this up already, I apologize. It's not easy to keep up with it everything in the breads, now especially.