Anonymous ID: 587195 June 18, 2018, 12:27 p.m. No.1800506   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0633



THIS ain't news over here in €U.

We call such behavior/omissions 'tradition' or 'journalism'.

'Unbiased news' it might be called over here also.

"Community" approved fact reporting comes to mind.

'Positive discriminating news' maybe.

'Diversity divulging' in a pinch or how about 'new tradition education'?


Ask Tommy Robinson about what happened to news gathering, reporting, op-eds etc.

Get out the pitchforks folks.

If it looks like a leftist and quacks like a SJW it's probably a commie.

The time is nigh…


WE here have learned that to read the news is to look for what's NOT there, I kid you not!

Makes for some getting used to but one ultimately gets the hang of it, then it's kind of fun, in a bleak sarcastic way. Your mileage may vary anon.