Anonymous ID: c0b543 June 18, 2018, 12:21 p.m. No.1800435   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0464 >>0600

>>1798425 >>1799526 >>1799301


Ok, this is my decode…


Ability to share [open].

>The files are out. They've been out. They're part of the Wikileaks insurance files.

(Heat) on who?

>The people who have been pretending that the contents of those files doesn't exist.

(Full) transparency _ DECLAS?

>It would be better for them to just declassify the documents vs waiting until Anons break the encryption on our own. If they wait, then they risk losing all trust and credibility going forward.

(Undiscovered) facts emerge?

>How big the SSP actually is, who's know about it and for how long, and possibly (hopefully not) what/who has been traded/sold/sacrificed…

Ability to move forward?

>YES. We're ready, but ONLY with FULL DISCLOSURE.

Occam's Razor.

>All circumstances equal, the simplest answer is likely correct. But also… Occam's Razor is a reference in the book/ movie Contact by Carl Sagan. Sagan was a brilliant astrophysicist who hosted The Cosmos and designed the Arecibo message. Also, he had profound ideas about who or what is "God." This goes back to, "Ability to move forward?" My answer is still YES. The world is about to be horrified by the real Vatican. Rip off the bandaid. The truth of the universe might have been devastating 20 years ago, but today it will be a relief to have something bigger than us which is actually real.