Anonymous ID: a9c4f5 Dec. 23, 2022, 4:06 p.m. No.18005374   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5388 >>5392 >>5396 >>5409 >>5420 >>5431 >>5535 >>5568 >>5637 >>5702 >>5778


Nuns Raped Girls With Crucifixes as Female Pedophilia Was Covered Up by the Church


ROME—“Marie” was placed in a French Catholic boarding school for “young girls from good families” when she was in the fifth grade. She remembers a nun who would come to her class every day to choose a student to help her with Mass. But the nun wasn’t looking for someone to help her. She was looking for a victim.


“I was 11 and looked 9. She would choose me once every two or three times,” she recalls. “She would take me to her office, lock the door, and then draw the curtains. After which she would put me on her knees to make me read the gospel according to Saint Paul or another saint, while she squeezed me with one hand to her chest and pulled down my panties with the other hand. We were of course in pleated skirts and not in pants. It terrified me and paralyzed.”


“Marie” couldn’t talk to her devout Catholic parents about the abuse until a friend convinced her to do so. The result, she says, was catastrophic. “You are really a pervert, a vicious liar. How dare you say such things?” her parents told her. In fact, her parents had told the nuns that she was being sent to boarding school because she needed to be tamed. “I was truly [a gift] for this nun… because she knew full well that she did not risk anything.”


The abuse lasted the whole year. At the age of 35, “Marie” told her mother again about the abuse. “My mother blissfully told me that it was impossible for a nun to whom she entrusted her daughter to abuse a girl,” she says. “Female pedophilia exists and unfortunately the media never talk about it.”


“Marie” was certainly not alone. Dozens of other victims of priests, nuns, and Catholic school personnel in France form the basis of a 2,500-page report released Tuesday by a special commission led by Jean-Marc Sauvé. While 80 percent of the victims were young boys between the ages of 10 and 13, many young girls were abused as well, and not only by priests. Nuns used crucifixes to rape little girls or forced boys to have sex with them, too.


German Nuns Sold Orphaned Children to Sexual Predators: Report


The commission spent nearly three years combing through complaints and press reports and interviewing victims going back to the 1950s. Of the 3,000 abusers identified by the commission, two-thirds are priests. They found that priests and nuns alone abused around 216,000 children, but that the number climbs to 330,000 when they counted abuse at the hands of non-clergy who worked in Catholic schools and other institutions. The report only covers minors; the authors, who include scholars, psychologists, and law enforcement officials, say there could be many young men and women over the age of 18 who were also victims.


Their summary is damning, determining that the Catholic Church in France showed “a deep, cruel indifference toward victims.”


Olivier Savignac was another of those victims. He wanted to believe the priest in his home parish in France was a devout man. But when the priest asked him to take off his clothes and lie on the bed in a room at a Catholic summer camp when he was 13 years old, he knew something wasn’t right. “I perceived this priest as someone who was good, a caring person who would not harm me,” said Savignac, who now heads a group for victims of clerical sex abuse. “But it was when I found myself on that bed half-naked and he was touching me that I realized something was wrong.”


Savignac says the abuse, which went on for years, damaged him for life: “It’s like a growing cyst, it’s like gangrene inside the victim’s body and the victim’s psyche.”


Only 22 of the thousands of cases of criminal pedophilia qualify under French law for legal action. More than 40 cases that are past the statutes of limitations have been forwarded to the French Catholic Church in hopes that the perpetrators will be punished. On average, each perpetrator abused 70 children. The president of the French Conference of Bishops, Eric de Moulins-Beaufort, said the church is “appalled” by the report. “I wish on that day to ask for pardon, pardon to each of you,” he told the victims. Pope Francis also expressed “sorrow” over the findings, saying he will pray for those affected. “His first thoughts are with the victims, with great sadness for their wounds,” Francis said in a statement through his press office, adding that he hoped the French church would now “undertake a way of redemption.”


Survivor Francois Devaux, who founded the victims' group La Parole Liberee, attended the presentation of the report. “You are a disgrace to our humanity,” he said, addressing the church as a whole. “In this hell, there have been abominable mass crimes… but there has been even worse: betrayal of trust, betrayal of morale, betrayal of children.”

Anonymous ID: a9c4f5 Dec. 23, 2022, 4:10 p.m. No.18005392   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5394 >>5410 >>5425 >>5431 >>5568 >>5637 >>5702 >>5778


"The secret not yet told": Women describe alleged abuse by nuns


Catholic bishops from across the U.S. are gathering Wednesday for a weeklong retreat on the clergy sex abuse crisis at a seminary near Chicago. Organizers said the retreat, which was requested by Pope Francis, will focus on prayer and spiritual reflection and not policy-making.


The gathering comes as CBS News has also learned of several cases involving nuns accused of sexual misconduct. The Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests – or SNAP – said it doesn't keep count of sexual abuse allegations, but CBS News' Nikki Battiste has spoken with several women who recently reported misconduct, ranging from forceful kissing to molestation, all carried out by nuns.


When Trish Cahill was 15 years old she said she confided in Sister Eileen Shaw at a convent in New Jersey. Cahill said she told Shaw things she'd never revealed to anyone about her now-deceased uncle – a priest – whom she claims sexually abused her, starting at age five.


"I would have done anything for her. I would have died for her," Cahill said. "She gave me everything that was lacking that I didn't even know I was lacking. I was so broken. She filled in all those pieces."


She now describes that process as "grooming," saying Shaw plied her with drugs and alcohol while teaching her how to have sex with a woman.


"I'm with my friends during the day. And I'm with this pedophile nun on the evenings and on the weekends, and in the summer," Cahill said.


The Catholic Church has been plagued with high-profile abuse scandals but "pedophile nun" is a phrase many people have probably never heard before.


"That's really a shame. Because there's a lot of them out there … it's the secret not yet told," Cahill said.



Anonymous ID: a9c4f5 Dec. 23, 2022, 4:10 p.m. No.18005394   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Mary Dispenza is trying to change that.


"The demands of chastity and celibacy are unrealistic demands for many of us," Dispenza said.


Dispenza, a former nun from another congregation, remembers what happened when a superior summoned her to her room.


"I knelt down right next to her and she kissed me all over softly, my face … and I want to say, 'Oh but it wasn't bad,' but it was. And I've carried it with me until today," Dispenza said.


Through her work with SNAP she said she would occasionally hear about abuse or cover-ups by nuns but since the publication of a grand jury report identified hundreds of pedophile priests in Pennsylvania, at least 18 people have contacted her to share stories of abuse by religious sisters.


Asked why we haven't heard much about abuse by nuns until recently, Dispenza said, "A lot has to do with the culture of nuns which are, they are very, very private by nature."


Cahill reported her abuse to the sisters of charity of St. Elizabeth in 1994. The congregation paid her a $70,000 out-of-court settlement.


"They had canon lawyers on retainer just for people like me. Shut her up, pacify her, tell her you love her and you'll pray for her, and send her on her way," Cahill said.


In a statement, the congregation told CBS News, "The case was investigated immediately when it was reported in 1994 and a settlement was reached that was mutually agreed on by all parties. We believe that the Sisters of Charity acted in a responsible manner."


We reached out to Sister Eileen Shaw who Cahill said she continued to see for years as an adult. She hung up on Battiste.


The Sisters of Charity removed her from her role as a grade school principal but reports she remains a nun. They're providing her with food and housing while restricting her from outside ministry. In the meantime, Cahill said the settlement she signed wasn't enough to help her deal with a lifetime of trauma. But she hopes that her voice can help prevent this from happening again.


"That this is the beginning of many, many times more that I get to speak and I get to educate, and I get to, possibly, prevent this from happening to anyone ever again," Cahill said.


Cahill said she believes other nuns had to have known what was going on with her. She's struggled with post-traumatic stress disorder, along with alcohol and drug addiction that she said began with her abuse. The Sisters of Charity said they're willing to meet with her to address her continuing concerns.


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Anonymous ID: a9c4f5 Dec. 23, 2022, 4:32 p.m. No.18005550   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5551 >>5637 >>5702 >>5778


German Nuns Sold Orphaned Children to Sexual Predators: Report


A report German authorities tried to silence shows how Catholic nuns peddled orphaned boys to predatory priests and perverts for decades.


ROME—A jarring report outlining decades of rampant child sex abuse at the hands of greedy nuns and perverted priests paints a troubling picture of systematic abuse in the German church.


The report is the byproduct of a lawsuit alleging that orphaned boys living in the boarding houses of the Order of the Sisters of the Divine Redeemer were sold or loaned for weeks at a time to predatory priests and businessmen in a sick rape trade. The men involved in the lawsuit say as boys they were denied being adopted out or sent to foster families because selling them for rape lined the sisters’ coffers for their “convent of horrors.” Some of the boys were then groomed to be sex slaves to perverts, the report claims.


The alleged abuse went on for years, with one of the males claiming the nuns even frequently visited their college dorms after they had left the convent. He said the nuns often drugged him and delivered him to predators’ apartments. The Order of Sisters of the Divine Redeemer did not answer multiple requests for comment about the allegations.


A second lawsuit, first reported by Deutsche Welle last year, comes after a separate case against the German church led by 63-year-old Karl Haucke who demanded the Archdiocese of Cologne carry out a full investigation into clerical sex crimes, which it concluded in January 2021. But the details of that investigative report were so horrific that Archbishop Reiner Maria Woelki refused to make it public, demanding that any journalists who see it sign confidentiality agreements. Eight German journalists walked out of a press conference in January after being denied access to the church’s investigation unless they agreed not to publish its contents.


Haucke says he was abused at least once a week between the ages of 11 and 14, often by more than one priest. “We had no words to describe what was being done to us. Nor did we know what it meant. And it did not stop at physical pain. We had a clear sense of humiliation and being used,” he told Deutsche Welle when the report was due to be released. He called the stifling of the report's release in January “scandalous” and said that denying the journalists the right to publish the report was “like being abused all over again.”


Several lawyers with access to the 560-page report on the nuns have shared segments with news outlets, including The Daily Beast. The report names various German businessmen and complicit clergy who “rented” the young boys from the nuns who ran a convent in Speyer, Germany between the 1960s and 1970s. Among the worst instances of abuse were gang bangs and orgies the young boys were forced to participate in before being returned to the convent where the nuns would then punish them for wrinkling their clothing or being covered in semen.


“Bishop Karl-Heinz Wiesmann, who now leads the archdiocese, said that the abuse report was ‘so gory’ it would be too shocking to make public.”

The report finds that 175 people, mostly boys between the ages of 8 and 14, were abused over two decades. But it failed to blame the nuns directly, instead saying “systematic” management errors and “leniency” for those who were accused by the children enabled the abuse to continue.


Haucke, who led a victims' group until he resigned over the censoring of the report, says Woelki told them in October 2020 that the report was not “legally watertight” and contained “inadmissible prejudices” against the Catholic church that were fed by scandals going on elsewhere. “The survivors were used again,” he said, referring to their cooperation in the report only to have it kept private. “People who have already been damaged in their lives by clergymen are being damaged again to protect the institution.”


Anonymous ID: a9c4f5 Dec. 23, 2022, 4:32 p.m. No.18005551   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5637 >>5702 >>5778



The lawsuits also spawned a survey within religious orders that found that 1,412 people who lived in or frequented convents, parishes, and monasteries were abused as children, teenagers, and wards by at least 654 monks, nuns, and other members of the orders. Around 80 percent of the victims surveyed were male and 20 percent female. The survey also found that 80 percent of the abusers are now dead, and 37 had left the priesthood or religious order.


The Archdiocese of Cologne told The Daily Beast in a statement that the reason the report was not published was that it failed to fully explain the methodology of the research, but Bishop Karl-Heinz Wiesmann, who now leads the archdiocese, said that the abuse report was “so gory” it would be too shocking to make public. Wiesemann told the Catholic News Agency KNA that after reading it he had to take a month's sabbatical to recover. “I too have limited energy for the burdens I have to carry,” he said.


The main abusers in the report are now dead and many of the victims have settled with the church for financial compensation, which has prohibited them from joining the lawsuit. The archdiocese now plans to publish a new revised, and undoubtedly heavily redacted, edition of the report in March.

Anonymous ID: a9c4f5 Dec. 23, 2022, 4:38 p.m. No.18005578   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5637 >>5702 >>5778

Paedophile monk who paid schoolboy 50p each time he sexually abused him is locked up for five years


Jailed after 20 years, abuser taught geography at leading Catholic independent school


Monastic authorities 'hushed up child abuse'


Parents of one victim sought injunction to keep scandal out of the press


Jailed: Richard White pleaded guilty to abusing two boys at Downside, a Roman Catholic public school


A paedophile monk who forced a schoolboy to take part in sex acts and paid him 50p each time has been jailed for five years.


Richard White, 66, was finally jailed yesterday after evading justice for more than two decades - because monastic authorities and the parents of one of his two victims hushed the matter up.


White, a Benedictine monk, abused pupils while a geography teacher at Downside, one of England's leading Roman Catholic schools.


Taunton Crown Court heard that he was warned about his behaviour after molesting one 12-year-old boy, but instead of contacting the police the Benedictine abbot of the monastery attached to the school simply stopped him from teaching younger students.


He went on to indecently assault a second boy over the course of several months when he was aged 12 and 13 in 1988 and 1989.


Robert Duval, for the prosecution, said that White lured the pupil, who was interested in old books, to the monastery library, which was usually off-limits to students.


There he sexually touched the boy and forced him to take part in sex acts, paying him 50p each time.


Cover-up: Downside School was aware of the allegations against White, but failed to contact the police even after he confessed they were true

Cover-up: Downside School was aware of the allegations against White, but failed to contact the police even after he confessed they were true


He was discovered after other pupils at the independent Catholic School in Stratton-on-the-Fosse near Bath, Somerset saw the boy had extra money to spend at the tuck shop and he admitted how he had come by it.


Astonishingly, the police were not told even when the matter was again reported to the monastic school authorities, and White himself told the principal what he had done.


Instead the former British Army soldier, whom the court heard was repressing his homosexuality at the time, was dismissed from his teaching post and sent to monastic communities across the country over the next 20 years, a move designed to keep him away from children.


After the News of the World ran an article about the scandal, the boy's own family obtained a court injunction to keep him out of any further reports before removing him from the school.


Despite the publicity, no complaint was ever made at the time to the police and White's offending was only brought to light when police investigating another teacher at the school for child pornography offences found a file in school records detailing what he had done and contacted the second victim.


He attended court to see White jailed and afterwards praised the police and his partner for giving him the 'confidence' to come forward. He said he thought the monk's sentence was 'appropriate.


'I'm not the only boy at Downside who was abused,' he said.


'I hope this will highlight to the school that it needs to address the risks associated with religious orders running educational establishments without the appropriate safety nets.


'Downside has a poor history of child abuse and the reason for the original statement (to police) was not to convict Richard White but to protect the 1,500 children at Downside School.'


White, of Fordingbridge, Hampshire, sat in the dock with his head bowed throughout proceedings.


He admitted five charges of indecent assault and two of gross indecency with a child, relating to the second boy, at a previous hearing last November.


He also asked for four offences against the first boy, who has never made a complaint to police, to be taken into account.


White's conviction is the latest in a series of scandals to hit the English Benedictine congregation, after monks from the religious order's communities at Ampleforth, Ealing and Buckfast were also jailed for sexual offences against children.


Father Richard Yeo, the former Abbot of Downside, recently stood down from a Vatican inquiry into sex abuse at Ealing Abbey in west London, following concerns about the order's record in dealing with child abuse cases.

Anonymous ID: a9c4f5 Dec. 23, 2022, 4:39 p.m. No.18005589   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5590 >>5637 >>5702 >>5778

Feature: Buddhism's pedophile monks


WASHINGTON, May 1 (UPI) Sex between clergymen and boys is by no means a uniquely Catholic phenomenon, a noted American scholar said Wednesday it's been going on in Buddhist monasteries in Asia for centuries.


"Of course, this is against the Buddhist canon," Leonard Zwilling of the University of Wisconsin in Madison told United Press International, "but it has been common in Tibet, China, Japan and elsewhere."


"In fact, when the Jesuits arrived in China and Japan in the 16th century, they were horrified by the formalized relationships between Buddhist monks and novices who were still children. These relationships clearly broke the celibacy rule," said Zwilling, who has written extensively about this topic for more than three decades, and was one of the first to do so.


Zwilling, who holds a doctoral degree in Buddhist studies said in a telephone interview this practice continued until well into 20th century.


Although the Buddha clearly proscribed sex of any kind in monasteries, "we know of incidents where members of the Bob-Dob, an order enforcing discipline among Tibetan monks, fought each other over boys," continued Zwilling.


"They clobbered each other with huge keys that were the tools of their trade. We also know that generations of Dalai Lamas had their 'favorites,' although we have no proof that these relationships were sexual."


Other studies show that Buddhist monks in Japan practiced a non-sexual form of "pedophilia" as long ago as the 10th century, according to Minnesota-based Ralph Underwager, a pastor, psychologist and one of the world's leading experts on child abuse.


In an interview with Paidika, a scholarly journal specializing in the phenomenon, Underwager and his associate Hollida Wakefield pointed out that "the concept of Platonic love as an asexual affection is describing pedophilia."


Underwager and Wakefield explained that the Greek philosophers Socrates, Plato, Sophocles, Aristotle, the playwright Aristophanes and the statesman-soldier Alcibiades "all claimed that love motivated pedophilia."


But if they did, it wasn't in the sense of sex.


According to Zwilling, monks having engaged in "sex with penetration and ejaculation" face expulsion from the Sangha, the monastic order that along with the Buddha and the Dharma (teaching) is part of Buddhism's three-fold refuge.


"This is true whether a monk has broken his vow of chastity with a woman, a man or a child," Zwilling said. "The punishment will be less severe if there were no penetration or ejaculation."


In that case, the offender would only be disciplined, perhaps demoted in rank, but not evicted from the monastery, the scholar explained.


"Actually, pedophilia is hardly mentioned in Buddhism's canonical writings," he went on. "I have only come across one passage describing the fate of a man who loved boys. He went to hell and came to a river filled with acid – and boys swimming it. They were in agony.


"Out of his love for the children, the man jumped in – and had to suffer their pain."


Peter A. Jackson, a renowned Australian researcher on Buddhism, has pointed out that in this faith all forms of sexuality and desire must be transcended in order to attain the religious goal of the extinction of suffering.


Citing the Vinaya, Theravada Buddhism's monastic code of conduct, Jackson wrote, "Whichever monk has sexual intercourse is … a defeated one, and will not find communion (in the Sangha)."


The Vinaya is very explicit in condemning sexual misconduct, including auto-sodomy (one of its chapters is titled, "The Case of the Monk with a Long Penis"). It does not single out homosexuality, though, which is treated as a third gender in ancient Buddhist writings, said Zwilling.


However, the Vinaya does relate that already some 2,500 years ago, the outrageous behavior of one "pandaka" (homosexual, in Pali, the sacred language of Theravada Buddhism), has prompted the Buddha to ban the ordination of such men.


The story reads thus:


"The pandaka had been ordained in a residence of monks. He went to the young monks and encouraged them thus, 'Come all of you and assault me.'


"The monks spoke aggressively, 'Pandaka, you will surely be … spiritually destroyed. Of what benefit will it be?" … He went to some large, stout novices and encouraged them thus, 'Come all of you and assault me.'


The novices spoke, 'Pandaka, you will surely be destroyed. Of what benefit will it be?'



Anonymous ID: a9c4f5 Dec. 23, 2022, 4:40 p.m. No.18005590   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5637 >>5702 >>5778


"The pandaka then went to men who tend elephants and horses and spoke to them thus. 'Come all of you and assault me.' The men who tend elephants and horses assaulted him.


"The Blessed One then ordered the monks, 'Behold monks, a pandaka is one who is not to be ordained, … and (pandakas) who have already been ordained must be made to disrobe.'"


According to Zwilling, homosexual behavior may not land a Buddhist layman in hell. That kind of fate is reserved for adulterers and rapists. On the other hand, a homosexual orientation is an extended form of punishment for those who in a previous life have committed such sins.


Prasok, a celebrated Thai newspaper columnist writing on Buddhism, related that this was the fate of the Buddha's personal attendant, Phra Ananda.


Wrote Prasok, "The reason he was born a kathoey (Thai for homosexual) was because in a previous life he had committed the sin of adultery. This led him to stew in hell for tens of thousands of years.


"After he was freed from hell, a portion of his old karma still remained and led him to being reborn as kathoey for many hundreds of lives."


While this may sound a rather severe punishment for a sexual transgression, Buddhism may have something even worse in store for an unfaithful husband, Zwilling told UPI: "He could be reborn as a woman."


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Anonymous ID: a9c4f5 Dec. 23, 2022, 5:20 p.m. No.18005757   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5778





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