and the Washington Post (!) actually wrote about it … walls must be closing in for the mockingbirds to report anything resembling truth.
Just a shame that virtually everyone on our side was wacting GUESS WHO, the ratings king.
Have never met the fuker, so nothing personal. When ANY talking head has this much power (see aon's relatives, for starters), however, there is a BIG problem.
Jan 7, 2021 Tucker Carlson blasts Trump, says he 'recklessly encouraged' supporters before riot at Capitol
"That is in fact what happened," Carlson said.
BTW: Justthe”news” - same hack who, along with Hannity, suppressed Guiliani’s BIDEN evidence. And people complain about corrupt “democrats” KEK
That's great! Love those memes, as compilation took a lot of work . Collage meme anons (and Ben Garrison) were first inspirations when I finally got up the nerve to try memeing, to post them.
Remember the AntifungalLeaf & Pamphlet …and “loaf"… It's strictly "bread" now, kek.
Same to you.
It's the pieces of shit who condition these dogs to do this shit. Remember when it used to be Rotties & Dobermen? ANY dog is going to be vicious if it has a demented piece of crap abusing it & making it attack anything that moves.
And even if some dogs have great owners, ever meet a Chihuahua who didn't wana rip your fingers or ankles off?
It's the sub-humans doing this crap.
Was atatcked as a kid by a German Shepherd walking past a garage it was guarding with a friend. The T-shot was more painful than the bite. Have had multiple GSs as adult and wasn't scared of 'em.
>that is total bullshit.
No it's not. Grew up with strays, and more strays. ALL kinds of breeds "magically" getting along just fine. It's the fuking OWNERS. Look up "Nanny Dogs".
As with literally everything else, fuking COMMUNISTS have turned everything upside-down. Again, it was scary, vicious Rotties & Dobermen in the '80s.
COMMUNISTS. First they used the blacks, then the wimminz, now it's the gays on steroids…
> so prone to snap then any other race.
Have a few drinks with my Irish kin while debating something and get back to me, kek.
ALL races have fukkups. Blame the COMMUNISTS, LBJ, for fuking everything up for black people. Most I have been friends with were very religious and walked the walk…
Also blame the COMMUNISTS for taking GOD out of the mainstream.
Anon, all I'm saying is that the Communists did this. Look up black divorce rates, for example, prior to LBJ's Communist agenda going full-throttle. They needed to get rid of the FAMILY, once they got GOD out of the mainstream. The Communists have since moved on to whites … Uncle Joe Stalin's Favorite Nephew, fdr, started this crap with "The New deal". That Communist fuk started all the "welfare" crap.