Lindsey Graham just kicked the butt of the IG and his flaccid findings in his email investigation report given (1) the egregious texts by Strzok and Page and (2) the circumstantial evidence that they could NOT criminally convict Hillary because that would interfere with their intent to stop Trump winning the election, as they intended. He also said the FBI changed the wording of their findings of gross negligence to extremely careless because that is a finding of criminal conduct under the statute and the criminal prosecution of Hillary would not stop Trump. Best questioning so far.
Agreed. His passion and outrage reflects how many citizens feel.
How easily distracted some people are. Nero's fiddling while Rome is burning. Nonetheless good memes are always helpful.
Kennedy's work on vaccines included a survey of doctors. When asked about their own family members, doctors WILL NOT vaccinate their own children.
How about the Gates' children are they vaccinated?
She is an obnoxious and tone deaf grand stander. And not very bright.
Q is not in charge of production and camera direction.
She had her own fascist fake police force.
I think in his own way Comey was ensuring that Hillary would not be elected. It may even have been subconscious, because he knows how evil Hillary is and he did have to serve "a higher purpose".
He had to know, given his intellect and education and experience, that telling the public about the FBI investigation into the Weiner laptop would cause most sensible Americans to not vote for Hillary.
When a king is good, the people rejoice!
Proverbs 29:2 "When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice; but when the wicked rule, the people mourn."
To all those demoniacs: You will never succeed in your disgusting goals, you evil and sick liars, thieves and killers.
You would do better to have a millstone around your neck and be thrown into the ocean, than to harm one of these little ones.
The correct term in a judicial setting is "genitals".
D could be Dems
Just what we need another corrupt idiot as a governor.