Hey guys,
not a bot, not a shill, just a bit of a libtard. I’m totally in this shit for the long haul, I trust the plan. I think this is going to be the long game, when Q says that their only hope is the mid-terms I take that to mean that this is going to extend beyond that. So here’s my internal ethical dilemma.
I question everything. I try to see multiple motives and reasons for everything. There exists a chance (I DO NOT THINK THIS IS TRUE) that Q is just a pro-Trump psyop designed to get us to vote his people into office. How can I know this is a good thing? I see things happening, but nothing has happened that can’t be undone and this could be a total fakeout? I guess if my understanding of the plan is accurate, something that can’t be undone will have happened by midterms?