>Nano-drone swarms under AI control
If you don't think we will get there you haven't been watching this movie very long
>As above, so below?
>What a douchebag.
It's an old jedi mind trick they use.
Trying to sucker in the christian normies with various blather about "heavenly".
It works great for them.
Unfortunately we have to justKEEP ON POINTING OUT THAT PEOPLE LIKE THIS ARE SHILLSeven though they will attack you for it.
Breitbart shills are common on this board.
They are what they are. We don't want MOS controlling conservative political thought in America.
They are trying very hard to do so.
And they do it by pretending to be christians.
Like fake kanye and his handlers now
i mean you'll see it
you know for sure there's no higher being of any kind controlling all this? how do you know that?
are you maybe just not religious?