Anonymous ID: 139107 June 18, 2018, 2:11 p.m. No.1802229   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Current Muh Notables



>>1801640 Food Allergy testing, BigPharma, Merck, and Q referenceing vaccines (related), >>1801824, >>1801928

>>1801721 McCabe invokes 5th amendment

>>1801822 X37-B returned to earth after 700 day secret space mission. (vidya)

>>1802036 Stay Focused please

>>1802058 Husseins thoughts on immigration (identical to POTUS)


Any missing

Link this post

baker notable

link to notable

why is notable notable



thanks bruv


heads up, baker just got kicked from

vpn, notables might be a little shaky

for next bread, please relink in next bread

if i'm missing ur notable.


thank you