Anonymous ID: bb1485 June 18, 2018, 2:05 p.m. No.1802111   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I think everything we want is classified. I bet it's in the appendices. Maybe everything we have seen is the original unaltered and Horowtiz is telling the truth. Rod just hid all the good stuff by saying it is too sensitive.


Maybe another reason for the Sessions' recusal was to hand Rod enough rope to hang himself and expose the whole thing by classifying everything of substance and being on the "Cover Up Team."


Rosenstein himself had the power to go through the report and classify anything, right?


DECLAS is the best if not only answer here. If POTUS can't do it because of optics, surely the DOJ can declassify it's own stuff after Nunes gets Rod impeached.


Just my running theory. It will probably be different tomorrow.