Anonymous ID: e4d8ce June 18, 2018, 1:52 p.m. No.1801910   🗄️.is 🔗kun

This Andrea Renteria situation could get interesting. So apparently there's an email or emails from a "literal who?" Dem political aide included in an appendix to the report. And apparently even Senate Judiciary committee members can't access it by default. Horowitz couldn't even figure out whether he could talk about it because it's apparently classified at some extremely high level, and nobody really knows why.


I think we all know this is bullshit, and exactly nothing would impact the USA's national security as a result of the release of this. It's a complete farce. At the very worst it's embarrassing to people that don't like to be embarrassed.


HOWEVER, this could be exactly what the doctor ordered, because I could totally envision Trump saying "hey, fuck it, DECLAS this motherfucker, I'm the boss of the executive, they're stonewalling Congress, suck a dick"