People of Light and People of Color are finally uniting.
People of Light and People of Color are finally uniting.
there is only ONE POWER that shills like >>1802531 fear!
we love Trump! Someone made a "Lord of Light" meme :)
Trump gives great hope to People of Light, which is proven by their higher birth rate! We are very grateful to him. :)
unfortunately, that is not the case. People of Light are NOT included in the definition for People of Color.
But that's okay! We are perfectly happy being "People of Light"
We can still be separate and work together toward common ends. We want to keep our precious identity, just like PoC want to keep their precious identity. We want to nurture human biodiversity, not destroy it!
I don't think individualism is going to work. We need to work together. Why are you trying to atomize everyone?
People ARE different, and that's what makes them special.
That's what diversity is.
We can still work together, while understanding that certain peoples have different strengths.
And that's okay.
Then why does my meme say "UNITED" on it? hm? You're trying to invert my words which is a very establishment tactic.