Anonymous ID: 541999 Dec. 28, 2022, 4:23 a.m. No.18029571   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9643

Humanity’s awakening is truly imminent! In fact it is happening now, even though there are no reports of this most wondrous event on any of the media to which you have access. The media, and those who control and direct them, wish to distract people’s attention from this astronomical outpouring of Love that is embracing all of humanity, and their intent is to keep focusing on drama, pain, and suffering so that people will be encouraged to align with these negative and physically draining feelings and emotions. However, this ‘censorship’ cannot and will not in any way at all disrupt this event, it is divinely directed and will, therefore, blossom beautifully just as God wills. No other outcome is remotely possible.


If you feel yourselves being drawn into the negative energies of resentment, anxiety, or fear, that others may be expressing, then call on your support team in the non physical realms for help and a deeply loving embrace, this will assist you to strengthen your already most powerful intent to be completely loving in every moment. Being loving is your purpose, right now! It is the path that you planned for yourselves before you chose, with enormous courage and love, to incarnate as a human for this specific life time, and to experience the lives that you are presently so willingly engaging with, even as you occasionally – or more frequently – experience doubt, anxiety, or fear.


Love is who you are, Love is what your are, therefore there is absolutely no need whatever to try and improve yourselves, because you were created by Mother/Father/God from Herself – infinite Love – and are of course perfect. If any feelings of guilt or shame arise during your present-day lives, then immediately forgive yourselves for whatever it was that you believe is responsible for them, and remind yourselves that they are of the illusion, and not of you. The illusory state in which you find yourselves alive as humans in form was a state that you concocted in which to play a game of separation from your divine Mother, because to actually be separateis impossible. There is only One – Mother/Father/God, Love – within which All that has been or ever will be created exists now, and eternally, in utter peace and joy.


The experience of life in form seems totally real to the vast majority of humans, even though it is not, because this was your collective intention when you imagined a state where you could and would live separated from your heavenly Source. And as soon as you entered within it – into its unreal dream or nightmare state – terror arose within you, as immediately you felt lost and abandoned, a state of being you had never previously even imagined was conceivable


Many of you have possibly experienced an intense sense of fear either as small children when you temporarily lost sight of your parents in a crowd, or when, as a parent, you lost sight of your child in similar circumstances. However, what you experienced on finding yourselves ‘playing the game of separation’ was way beyond that in intensity because of the enormity of its apparent reality, and so you had to bury that sense of terror deep within your minds where you were no longer able to be consciously aware of it, the place where so many of you have had to bury traumas that you have experienced in your current human lives in order to go about your daily living.

Anonymous ID: 541999 Dec. 28, 2022, 4:53 a.m. No.18029643   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9649 >>9673 >>9683


All of you have at some time experienced a state of fear and anxiety – maybe due to guilt because of some unacceptable behavior in which you have engaged – which is part of being human, where you desperately wanted to be loved and cherished, but felt no sense of it, feeling instead completely unworthy of love. This terror, trauma, fear, and anxiety, that all have experienced to a greater or lesser extent, is completely out of alignment with Love, and it therefore has to be acknowledged and released by bringing it into awareness where you can offer it love and thus dissolve the apparent reality of it, because it does, of course, distract you or hide from you awareness of the Reality of your own true nature.


Not even one sentient being is in any way unworthy of Love. Any shameful behavior that has been engaged in by anyone, ever, has, in Truth, never happened. Your beliefs in, and seemingly extremely real experiences of conflict, hatred, resentment, anger, and fear in which you have undergone enormous amounts of pain and suffering are indeed illusory. When you awaken, as you most certainly will because it is divinely decreed and assured, all memories of experiences that are not in complete alignment with Love will have been totally eradicated and expunged from your minds, because there is no place within them where they could possibly exist. Your joy and bliss will be total.


Therefore, DO go within regularly during the day and spend at least a moment or two relaxing in total self-acceptance beside the holy inner sanctuaries that you all have within you, and allow the Love that you are – that is Mother/Father/God – to fully and completely embrace you. Doing that is each of you basically acknowledging and honoring your true nature as the perfect and beloved children of God that you each are in every moment of your eternal existence; and doing that IS God’s Will for you. If you will not love and honor yourselves you cannot truly love anyone else, let alone all of humanity. You chose to be incarnate now precisely to do just this, so know that to do so is the divine Will, and let go of all sense of unworthiness or unlovableness, and embrace and honor yourselves most lovingly, as God does, in every moment.

Anonymous ID: 541999 Dec. 28, 2022, 5 a.m. No.18029660   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9662 >>9663 >>9665

The Magnetic Grid and The Change Coming


What you should be aware of is that the grid hasn’t moved much in Human history and has remained fairly static through your many lifetimes. In 1987, however, it started to move a lot. The reason? It is moving so it can be positioned to receive something – something expected that is coming. Think of it as moving your furniture so that you can better view something you didn’t know was viewable. The reposturing of the grid is for something coming that we are going to call “evolutionary energy” and it’s physical. It is really physical! In fact, you can even see it coming!


Months ago and years before that, we told you that your planet is going into an area of space that it never has been in before. This is not esoteric. Ask an astronomer, “Is the solar system coming out of a protective bubble into a new kind of radiation or energy that you haven’t seen before?” Is it possible that your solar system is losing a protective sheath that it’s always had because of where it was in space?


Let me explain this more to those who don’t understand much about galactic movement and your solar system. All the stars in your galaxy are slowly moving around the center. Your solar system and its star (the Sun) has always been on the move as it rotates around the center of the galaxy. As your solar system rotates around the middle, you are always in a new period of time and space. It moves so slowly, however (millions of years to go around one time), that for all of humanity, it has basically been in one energy, like a protective bubble – and now it changes. Don’t believe it? Do your research or ask an astronomer if there is something different. Make this channelling real to you, and you will understand more fully what we are saying to you.*

Anonymous ID: 541999 Dec. 28, 2022, 5:01 a.m. No.18029663   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9664




The Role of the Sun


As you move into this new energy, or what some have even called “radiation”, you should know how it works, for it’s very related to your Sun. Physically, it affects the magnetic field of the Sun (the heliosphere), which then in turn is blasted to your own magnetic field via the solar wind. That’s the physics of it, but dear one, let me give you the esoterics of it. This has been the plan all along, that if you made it as a Human race past the 2012 marker, you would pass into this area of space and the magnetics would shift, allowing Human consciousness to change. Dear ones, this was always here waiting for you to pass the marker! This is why I came 26 years ago and told you the magnetics would shift. This is an evolutionary energy that is going to affect your Sun – the heliosphere of your Sun – which then will pass to the magnetic field of the earth, a field that has now been repostured for this new consciousness.


Oh, there are those intellectuals who would say, “Well, what if we had destroyed ourselves as the prophecies said we would? What if there were no Humans to receive this?” It’s simple. No Humans would have been here, but the planet would have still moved into this new area of space and the same energies would have been there, but you would not have been. Simple. But indeed, here you are!


So now you can see that the prophecy from the indigenous is also being fulfilled, for they told you about the changes coming after the precession of the equinoxes (December 2012). How could they have had this prophecy about your movement into a new place around your galaxy? Think about it! These things are not new, and even the ancients told you it was coming! They may not have known the specifics of science, but their prophecy is the same one I have: New consciousness is coming.


Dear ones, I want you to continue to put together these pieces physically in what you can see. As we told you, these changes affect your Sun. The heliosphere of your Sun changes you magnetic grid. Now, for this all to work, the Sun had to be quiet for this. I want you to ask an astronomer about the Sun and the cycles of the Sun. Ask about what period of radiance the Sun is in at the moment. The astronomer will tell you that it appears to be one of the quietest cycles that the Sun has ever seen. Solar flares and sunspots are disturbances in the multidimensional field that surrounds the Sun, so these had to be gone while the new energies were starting to be implemented. For this all to work, the Sun had to be as quiet as possible, and it is. The Sun’s quiet time is also affecting your weather, and we told you that, too. Due to its quietness, you’re in a cycle of weather that we also predicted [a cold time coming] that also has a lot to do with the energy that’s coming. That’s physical. Ask an astronomer, “Are they worried about all this?” Some of them are and others are not. But it is affecting you and the planet right now. Now you know why the magnetic grid was changed when it was changed and why. That’s physical.

Anonymous ID: 541999 Dec. 28, 2022, 5:03 a.m. No.18029664   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9668 >>9679




The Esoterics of It All


Now, at the same time that all this above physical shift was happening, we gave you esoteric information about the Pleiadian nodes and the nulls. Is it possible that the Pleiadians themselves, having been here at the beginning and knowing about this coming change, actually helped with the prophecies (influenced the ancient calendars and prophecies)? Indeed, this is true, but it appeared to the indigenous as “intuition from the ancestors”. The nodes and the nulls left by the Pleiadians are fast-track engines that are affecting the grids of the planet.* Consciousness is related to the grids of the planet, remember? But not just the Magnetic Grid was involved. It also includes the Crystalline Grid (Human emotional remembrance) and the Gaia grids – all of them. These are all being worked on at this time in combination with the new evolutionary energy from the Sun. These grids are being fed, if you want to call it that, by the nodes and the nulls. What is it all doing? What is the real bottom line of all this? The answer: These confluences of energies that are shifting and changing are all directly affecting one thing – your DNA.

Anonymous ID: 541999 Dec. 28, 2022, 5:10 a.m. No.18029679   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9682 >>9690



The DNA Evolution is Coming


The DNA of the Human Being is ready to shift and change. You’ll never see it in a microscope because it’s not chemical; it’s physics. Listen for a moment, for you have already seen how this works. The 90 percent of DNA that heretofore was junk is now understood by your science.* Science now understands that this 90 percent is information – a manual – a control panel for the genes. But it’s still a mystery as to what it actually contains or how it gives out the information to the genes. What is not acknowledged yet is that it is a multidimensional transmission. To most biologists that would be a stretch, but there actually is a bit of quantumness in your DNA, and this has also been scientifically seen (Garaiev and Popoinin experiments with DNA).**


This 90 percent of DNA is like trillions of antennas in your body, ready to receive information and then rewrite the manual via the changes in your grids. The DNA is going to receive information and shift. It’s going to affect genetics. Mothers will receive it first and pass it to their children. Mothers, you don’t even know you’ve got it, yet you are passing it to your kids right now. Are you aware of the books of my partner from more than 10 years ago about “The Indigo Children”? These children were precursors to the new energy. The kids are different! It started before 2012 – way before – since the potentials were very high that you would make it, and you did. Mothers of grandchildren, do I have to ask you if they are different? Very different!


Changes in the Kids are First


A Human baby comes into the planet today, but what is going on today is different from when you were born. You’re in a new place in space, the Sun is quiet, you have the nodes and the nulls feeding new information into the grids, and the paradigm of consciousness is different for them than it was for you. Their Genesis cells, the “how a Human works” cells, are changing.


Things will start working that are unusually different for standard Human nature. The intuitive self, the barrier between innate and consciousness, will start to improve. The barrier starts to become less. Be ready for children who have very accurate intuition about what’s wrong with them. If they tell you something’s wrong, take them to the doctor! Immediately. Don’t tell them, “It’s your imagination, honey”, or, “It will be okay later; it’s growing pains.” Do you hear that? There are those listening to this right now who need to hear that, because their children are saying, “I feel funny; something’s wrong.” Mothers who are used to raising children are also used to an old energy paradigm that has a certain health template. This is changing. The kids are starting to awaken to being intuitive about their own health. The bridge isn’t built yet to innate, but it is closer with them and they’re feeling something. Innate is talking to them for the first time. Listen: You didn’t have it, but they do. Listen to them.


The Akash of the child is starting to become clearer. These children are going to tell you many things about who they’ve been and what they’ve done. If you’re a parent and you are listening to this now, the worst thing you can do is suppress it. The best thing you can do is to tell the child the absolute truth, the absolute truth: “I believe you.” When you say things out loud, it helps the child. That’s truthful and the child will get it. Listen, parent: In these things, be an ally to your child, and it will change your relationship with your children. Be honest with them about it all. Tell them not everyone will understand, so there are times to be quiet about it. These are instructions for kids in the New Age. These attributes are going to get even stronger, and your instructions will make sense.

Anonymous ID: 541999 Dec. 28, 2022, 5:15 a.m. No.18029694   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9699 >>9704

Very slowly there is going to be a split of consciousness on the planet, and we have talked to you about it before. There will be those who are compassionate and those who are not, and it’s going to be obvious, so obvious! Caring and uncaring. There is a dark army right now on this planet. What is its “compassion factor”? Do you understand? It’s a free choice state of mind, but that’s the split to come. Don’t worry about this, compassionate one. When you take the attributes of the master, light surrounds you. No more fortressing or protecting yourself from darkness. It will retreat from you automatically. No more catching the diseases of the day, they won’t be able to touch you with compassion. It’s physics; it’s real; it’s physical and it’s happening now. Your society will reflect this sooner than you think. When you turn on your news and you think I’m crazy, just wait. There’s some wild cards coming. Benevolence is a new energy!