Anonymous ID: 9ec210 June 18, 2018, 3:22 p.m. No.1803128   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Watch the Coen Brothers ¨A Serious Man¨ it is not about what you think it is. Everything in movie is allegory and archtypes. It is two different stories being told on two different levels of understanding.


One the esoteric level it is a story about if Jews are cursed for killing God. The main character is an archtype for JOB from the Bible. The story ends with the Jews not KNOWING IF THEY CAN SURVIVE THE STORM IN AMERICA. Look deep into the tornado flag jews scrambling for the bunker scene at the end.


Coen Brothers also tell you in the story….to pay the fuck attention because GOD WILL TELL THEM SOMETHING IN THE MOUTH OF A GOY


Coen also shows the weight of Jewish tradition is too fucking heavy and the answer is JESUS.


It is all there….in allegory for people with eyes to see. It is a movie for OUR TIMES.


Will the Jews survive the awakening? That is to be determined.