Anonymous ID: d6d234 June 18, 2018, 3:32 p.m. No.1803245   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3265



>I want to bring up your counterpart, the Republican chairman of the committee, Devin Nunes. Something amazing that he admitted to earlier this week. Take a listen.


<DEVIN NUNES: We had whistleblowers that came to us in late September of 2016 who talked to us about this laptop sitting up in New York that had additional emails on it. So good F.B.I. agents brought this to our attention. But what could we do with it?


>CHUCK TODD: For what it's worth, September 26th of 2016 is when this laptop was discovered. And he says late September. So that doesn't, I don't think, meet the definition of whistle-blowing. Essentially it was, he immediately found out and told Devin Nunes. He said, "We in the Intelligence Committee." Were you informed of this whistleblowing?


>ADAM SCHIFF: No. This is the first that we've heard about it. And it is deeply disturbing because if this was shared by New York field agents with Devin Nunes, was it also shared with Rudy Giuliani? Or did Devin Nunes do something which we have seen subsequently which is coordinate with the Trump team? Was this information shared by the committee with Rudy Giuliani or shared directly with them? We don't know the answer but we hope the inspector general will find out.


Just wanted to bring up a couple of things. First, the article in pic related

is using manipulative wording–while this information may have been kept from

public view, it probably wouldn't have been "classified" to Devin Nunes–it's

not like he was a risk for jury duty on the case. Second, take a step back

and consider what this piece of shit Chuck Todd is saying: he's nitpicking at

the definition of "whistleblowing," when at this point in time the entire

United States had been lead to believe that all of Hillary's emails

had been destroyed by hammers and Bleachbit. He's quibbling about the legal

definition of "whistleblowing!?" Fuck him!


We all know Adam Schiff is lying to cover his own ass–he knew, and I'm sure it will

come out soon (likely when the FBI agents are subpoenaed). I'm also sure that

Adam Schiff hasn't been giving Devin Nunes information on his phone calls to

Valerie Jarrett, either.