Read a bible. Aaron (Aryan) fashioned a golden calf and said "Here are your gods Israel, who brought you up out of egypt".
Aaron took the gold jewelry from the people in order to create the idol. How much did the Nazis steal?
Read a bible. Aaron (Aryan) fashioned a golden calf and said "Here are your gods Israel, who brought you up out of egypt".
Aaron took the gold jewelry from the people in order to create the idol. How much did the Nazis steal?
Israel was created as a scapegoat, and people were programmed to hate them.
God stopped Abraham, telling him don't kill the boy he was going to sacrifice, God himself will provide the sacrifice. Look, there's a ram caught in the thicket.
No, it's not. Jesus said, you do not recognize the signs of the TIMES.
Jesus said to Peter, get thee behind me Satan!
The first is last, and the last are first.
Did you know Peter means stone, and muslims circle and kiss a black stone at the kabaa (similar to kabaal) they say fell from heaven to show where to build the first temple. Neat symbolism huh? Jacob, renamed Israel, also laid his head on a stone and fell asleep.
Jesus told Peter to feed His sheep.