The Kheper is a dung beetle.
It is possible that the way time is not going backwards can be represented with the eternal progression of the dung beetle (Horus) as the 'stop'.
The Kheper is drawn as someone looking backwards.
Americans are often told to 'look backwards' to the 'original ideas of the founding fathers'
An Egyptian demon looking backwards looks like Jefferson, one of the founding fathers.
Time moves forward in the Horus universe (you get older and eventually die), however humans are by naturally part of the universe of Jesus, and the universe of Jesus can only move forward if there is a Christ able to understand how.
Without a Christ everything will always be as bad as possible, because of the influence of the parasitic creatures resulting from inbreeding.
jews try to damage as many children as possible, such as with genital mutilation of infants or child rape, because it will be impossible for such a child to understand others, especially adults who have never been subjected to these satanic rituals.
this is why there is a darkness of Kheper, of the void time, in the U.S. where progression is not done with Christ towards the manifestation of Jesus' heaven on earth, with the drowning of child rapists and death of inbreeders (such as judas), instead the inbred and child rapists are made 'leaders' that can only move time further to the 'backwards stop', towards the darkness of hell where anubis can hide in plain sight, making humans pick up dogshit while children are raped and mutilated.
(VID) We’ve been going “backwards” for a long time.
no Christ = no soul
also notice that the dung beetle is pushing what corresponds to the 'jew-star' (i.e. the dung) above the american eagle with a Kheper shield.