The nazis were the good guys. Everything we "know" about Hitler and the nazis is a jewish lie.
Ew. I wouldn't let a nignog touch my food. Ew.
>Phenomenal rack on her and a nice face as well
I miss the 90s. Before porn completely de-sensitized me, I would see beautiful women on tv. Sometimes I'd get excited for the commercial break because maybe you'd see that pretty girl again.
I have no doubt that the US would destroy China, or even a China-Russia alliance.
But idk with this wokeness. The jew has infiltrated our military and deliberately weakened it with wokeness. We're rotting from the inside.
The vaccine is safe.
actually I think I agree with thee. Hitler himself was a puppet. However, it remains, that the nazis were the good guys trying to protect themselves from jewish exploitation. And the holocaust is a lie.
The "science worshipper" sounds a lot like an anti-vax retard.
>plagiarize hypothesis
>construct model based on preconceived ideas
>find data that agrees with model
>discard data that disagrees with model
it's fuckin' crazy that congressman are allowed to have dual-citizen with other countries, especially israel, the most evil "country" on the planet.
the jews using a manufactured war to follow a jewish agenda. Thinks have never changed since ancient times.
oh shut the fuck up. Nice cherry-picking, faggot.
if I don't think like him, then I'm not "THINKING FOR MYSELF"
i could've gone my whole life without seeing that.