again, when did Türkiye stop being Turkey?
and Home Depot killed the local hardware store.
boston, yeah, that'd be a good place for the asteroid to land.
show a hot chick and everybody will follow
2 moar weeks lil buddy
muh triggers
Elon Musk has announced: “New Twitter policy is to follow the science, which necessarily includes reasoned questioning of the science.”
NY Times contributor Wajahat Ali replied: “Something a really dumb person would tweet.”
In fact, Einstein wrote: “Science can flourish only in an atmosphere of free speech.”
So, who’s the real dummy here?
Many people are sharing the map below on social media with the claim, “Scientists are saying this map, with increased certainty, represents the United States in 30 years if we do not take steps to reverse climate change.”
In fact, the AP reported in 1989, “A senior U.N. environmental official says entire nations could be wiped off the face of the Earth by rising sea levels if the global warming trend is not reversed by the year 2000.” Such failed climate predictions are endless.
Laughably, the “map” is an image of the Mediterranean Sea superimposed on the United States. Look at the outline of Italy in the U.S. heartland. Yet, many thousands of people have “liked” and shared it.
President Biden claims that “every electric vehicle sold is a win against climate change.”
In fact, every electric vehicle sold increases toxic pollutants and makes America poorer because these expensive cars travel fewer miles for every dollar spent.
Alexander Vindman, a key witness for the impeachment of President Trump, claims that Elon Musk “cannot be allowed to promoted dangerous radical views… hate speech. Imagine Geobbles with a bigger platform and wider reach.”
In fact, Goebbels, the Nazi minister of propaganda, wrote that “the right to criticize” can “be granted only to the wiser people over the more stupid ones and never the other way around.” That sounds just like Musk’s critics, while Musk says the polar opposite.
The New York Times claims “there is strong evidence that masks help to reduce the transmission of several respiratory viruses.”
In fact, all but one gold standard studies of masks in community settings have failed to find that they slow the spread of contagious diseases. Moreover, the one outlier is laced with absurd assumptions.
much fat.
own nothing, be happy was a fact way befoar it became a mantra for slavery.
best thing about the last two years is all these hawt, intelligent Nord chicks
majorly ghay fvckery
Muh "Fact check":
While the scene highlighted online is authentic, users have misconstrued his message. A WHO spokesperson told Reuters the sentence was the result of a slip of the tongue.
ffs we seam to be the last to hear about anything anymoar.
Bailout time in the Windy City: Things have gone from bad to worse for Chicago’s beleaguered pension system, as Bloomberg reports today that Mayor Lori Lightfoot’s administration this year fronted some $512 million to city pension plans to help cover retiree benefits set to be paid out from late 2022 into early 2023. “When we save the pension funds, we save the city,” declared Chicago Treasurer Melissa Conyears-Ervin.
Representing the largest one-year advance in Chicago history, that outlay illustrates the precarious fiscal state of the country’s third-largest metropolis, one exacerbated by this year’s bruising bond- and stock-market selloff. Unfunded pension liabilities have risen to $33.7 billion from less than $30 billion at the end of 2018, more than double the city’s annual budget and representing its most significant long-term liability according to Moody’s.
kick muh can to the next crop