Kids used to get a better education from a 17 year old teacher in a One Room Schoolhouse that was sponsored by the parents of the children who attended it.
The government has ruined education.
Kids used to get a better education from a 17 year old teacher in a One Room Schoolhouse that was sponsored by the parents of the children who attended it.
The government has ruined education.
In the 1800s, the literacy rate was nearly 100% because most of the Country was Protestant and they thought it was important to be able to read the Bible.
>oung people needed some contact with people their own age to develop social connections
Schools aren't supposed to be Social Clubs.
You want a social club, join a bowling league.
What happened to the pension funds in Chicago?
The Mafia Unions steal all the money and give it to their friends?
Once a person is on Social Security they become a deficit. Time to get rid of them.
Who could have seen that coming when they came up with the idea of Social Security?
The government will save your money for you, then give it back to you in drips & dribbles, if you live long enough to collect it.
do your own fucking homework