demon digits
an orb just flew over my house!
>chink growers
Revenge for the Opium Wars and the Century of Humiliation
China floods Western powers with fentanyl etc to debilitate and weaken them/increase internal crime/sap police resources etc
Looks like their plan is working
>payback's a bitch
Unfortunately the wheels of Injustice grind faster
Shove your glowing bullshit Galactic copypasta larp up your galactic asshole
>Some anons like the "galactic" deep shit.
kek, you obviously are one of those that sucks it up like an NPC
>beam me up please Mr Galactics
one gay mp4 deserves another in return
>litters of niglets!
it's safe and effective
>caused the immune system to misfire
It's why the vaxxies keep getting sick, their immune system has been turned off, to put it simply
all vaxxies are fucked
>"died suddenly"