Had no Idea Tommy Chong was a Trump guy. KEK!
They are going to wind up the plandemic again.
There is no reason to post links because I am sure you all are aware.
Legionares wrapped in a covid envelope. All I can say is just keep prepping and getting ready.
Twitter still has blacklists using regex.
I got suspended for saying Shoot < persons handle>, etc etc.
So if I would have said "shit" instead it would not have triggered.
The messed up part is if you just delete the tweet no suspension, you appeal, you get an automatic 12 hours.
It all looks like sex trafficking to me now days.
Would rather make an ugly woman my wife with zero questionable integrity issues.
Those are the words of a true anon.
We seen what they did and learned they have been doing it all along.
If you are just showing up looking to dig in, just enjoy the ride at this point, the heartbreak is almost unbearable.
Revelations or Bust pretty much says it all.
Similar for sure.
HG Wells Open Conspiracy (One World Government.)
Sounds like a real hoot.