Got the wood stove a little hot, so I stepped out onto my porch in the middle of a city of nearly 700,000 in the middle of the USA
-and you could hear a pin drop out there.
Been that way a long time. Ready to see this country come back to life.
I just read the whole Tesla section of the vault. The piece you pictured is some "newsletter" someone printed in the 1950s, delivered to the FBI by someone pissed off that these newsletter people were promoting "space people" on the back of Tesla's corpse.
There's way more interesting things in there, the files read like a pretty good timeline of actual events.
I'm curious what finally came of the 75 boxes of papers in the storage unit
…but trying to find that information online is impossible because of all the BS "Tesla lore."
Yeah, we have exactly zero of any of that here, and I live on the wrong side of the tracks in the shit part of town. Just people here, of every stripe, just staying fed and having a day.
I'd like to see things back to life a bit beyond people just going to work and coming home though, even if it means dumb kids having enough money to go out and fuck up every now and then.
After reading what the Trump from MIT had to say about the papers he reviewed, their only value is historic.
Bringing up Tower 7 in such a place like this is like saying "The grass is green" and expecting an argument…
I hope her family stages an intervention before she finds out about OnlyFans…
>old tricks
He was up late for some reason. I've been hanging around waiting for one of the decoder ring kids to show up so I don't have to start doing math. Although 3:13 looked interesting.
What was the USSS codename for Hussein?
They knew all along.
Expand your thinking.