I started to realize that the endgame has begun, in 2015… I was full of hate for two and a half years!
Kicked everybody out off my life! Was leaving my job early 2017 before Q came along! I simply could not handle the shit from my co workers any longer in a peaceful way! Told the story some times here.
Q came along and I was for sure, this is the fucking real deal, the moment I´ve read the first crumb between 12/31/17 - 1/1/18 (so it is my birthday, this night, to the crumbs)!
I was this excited, at the beginning, I booked a flight to Washington for 11.11.18. to witness the biggest free beer parade humanity has ever seen.. Well… here I am… years later!
I studied scripture, intensiv! The most important one after the gospel, I knew from my granny and mother, was the Hermetic teaching! Cause and effect my friend! Polarity! Vibration!
…and then,
Two years ago I met a women again, I have not seen for 30 years! She is not living in my closer area and I almost never left my house… And the cause&effect story about seeing each other again was mind blowing for myself! Too long to explain, just insane!
We are fighting this shit together now! She told me, "you have saved me". Her son is 17 years now and he is starting to ask the right questions so I can help him, too (and his friends, when the time has come)! It feels just great!
The reason I am bringing that up from time to time is… God works in strange ways! And everything is starting within yourself! It is in you!
Next part that happened to me… I am retired in the age of 40+ some years! Healthy and well but retired!
Because I was praying at the beginning, that God allows me to finish this mission the same way as I started it!
Fren, we all here know each other for eons of years, as I see it! But this time we decided to send us in different parts of the world to endure this Horrorshow to help the people around us, when the time is right! Be grateful for the gift of vision you have and take on every fucking fight! God is with you!
>“The eye is the lamp of the body. If your eyes are healthy, your whole body will be full of light.
Long ass text and I just woke up a short while ago (maybe gramma shit to see)… Be strong, stay strong and when we meet, first beer is on me!