At one time I was a married parent, with a "more than average" number of children. Unfortunately, I made the "mistake" of trying to raise a Christian family in America. Now that the communist/satanist polices demonstrably near full force in America have had their way, I am basically alienated from all my children and divorced. Though some of my friends have managed to stay married, of the roughly dozen children represented by my closest friends I would not say any are on target to someday produce normal families. Several are gender confused/tranny, one is homosexual, the majority show signs of some sort of vaccine injury including autism, allergies, possible Tourette's syndrome etc. Of the roughly twenty people I'm thinking of probably 17 at least took the COVID injections, meaning their long term health is likely in jeopardy. Most would have taken the injections for "employment" reasons not by deliberate choice, though sadly, the University students in the bunch were all treated to the absurd COVID propaganda and spent about two years living in fear and damaging their physical, emotional and intellectual health.
All this occurred while leftists became so ingrained in our "government" that it was considered par for the course to censor, deplatform and even financially attack the conservatives bravely trying to share their concerns on the internet. I am very sure that my family as well as many other Christian families whose only crime was to want to raise healthy children have been targeted by CPS, had our children corrupted as they attended the government schools, and generally been persecuted and genocided all the while being told we were "white nationalists".
Absent my faith in God, I would be a totally hopeless wreck.
I do have this to say: A just God allows the suffering of His people for a moment. However, it is only a moment in the scheme of eternity. Anyone knowingly committing wicked acts who thinks that they have gotten away with anything is in for a rude surprise.
I have been censored, deplatformed, "shadow banned" and most recently had my yahoo mail account shut down. I have lost job opportunities over my beliefs. Yet there is One who hears my cries. I hope anyone who contributed to this debacle will repent and turn to God through Jesus. I would not want anyone, even my worst enemy to receive the JUST punishment for all they have done to ruin, kill and destroy God's precious children.