ikr…looks like my wish list
That's a great idea, Anon. Let me suggest this order if I may:
Read the Gospels first. Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.
Read the New Testament starting back at Matthew again.
Read the whole bible front to back.
You will have read the gospels (the whole point of Christianity) 3x. The New Testament, and how and why Christianity has supplanted the old order, 2x. And the Old Testament will have a certain prescience and the prophets will make more sense as you'll have a stronger connection to their prophecies from a thorough review of the New Testament, much of which was prophesy in the O.T.
Just a suggestion, but can highly recommend reading The Bible thoroughly, this order worked well for me.
Peace to you and Happy New Year.
Always keep a mag of M855 handy for hardware…dumping the lead out of a box or two of birdshot and replacing it with an ounce of 3/8" steel ball bearings is effective anti-machine round up close. Both can do traditional duty in a pinch,
There are bold men. There are old men. There are no old bold men.
You can still order fish antibiotics and it might be a good idea to get whatever your fish might need in an extended pinch.
Both of them are very good at what they do. I knew about Biglino years ago. Straight shooter.