Im the Holy Ghost.
Im the Holy Ghost.
My name is Israel
Be me
40 days in the wilderness
Rev 12 about to happen
Run out of gas in Idaho
Walk 4 miles to gas station on gps
It's not there
Crotch tear injury from senior year returns
Find highway exit
Walk another 4 miles down it looking
No gas
Giant drop off both sides of road
Valleys for mils and miles
Hear deer, elk, animal noises on the dark road
All of a sudden nature goes silent
Hear 100 demon hyenas off the side of the road out of nowhere
Stop freeze
They're getting louder all laughing together
One laughs harder than the rest
Listen closely to that one
His laugh gets more demonic more cackling as I listen closer
He peaks in volume
I go
"The Lord is My Shepard"
They're gone. Walk back to car 8 miles
Get a tow truck