"It reminds me of a combination of boiled cabbage, urine, and farts"
i wonder if the fake Hillarys copy the original body odour?
Sometimes I wonder if I'm on the right Planet
>Same girl
It's Obama's niece, she's safe
Barry wouldn't molest her as he's a full-homo fudge packer
Commander Ashtar, beam me up, but no anal probes, ok?
each meme posted creates a 1 degree rise in her cooch temperature
copium, I don't smoke it
So when you were in the Shitter taking a dump,was it sort of like Schrรถdinger's cat?
You know, with the shitter door closed, you were taking a dump, yet not taking a dump
Both possibilities existed at the same time, which in itself is another duality
This is worth more deep thought and discussion
good answer
>It is escalating.
The really bad news is that our DNA is devolving
Errors get compounded with every generation
Eventually reproduction will become un-viable and we will become extinct
The NWO satanists want to cheat this outcome by creating Transhumans, then Superhumans melded with tech (Borg)
The mRNA nano technology in the Covid "vaccines' is part of this plan
>Media Command Letter
This stuff? Quantum grammar, etc
>do you not see it?
Meh, it's the little Asiatic girl in this flickr photo (far right) she was younger then
Part of Barry's family circle
Anon, having a heart attack and suddenly dying is just a normal reaction to the Covid vaccines
Tip: be sure to get your boosters
>Ailing wheelchair-bound Pope Francis
How the heck is Pope Franky supposed to catch the little Choir-boys if he's stuck in a wheelchair?
Don't forget Sam's Wiley Coyote dick sucking acolytes
The covid vax turbo-charges latent cancers, especially soft tissue cancers
You seem a little upset