dialectically projects its own structural pedophilia
OK groomers
Ok groomer
Ok groomer
Inconsistencies from same source (invoking 'opposites' as simultaneously true -logic bug
='qAnOn' iS rEsPoNsiBLe fOr OuR ViLoEnCe rHeToRiC - Low IQ 'intel' agencies, lolol ==
Mission succeeded: The People ARE in fact for the first time being SHOWN what has already been happening for 200 years.
Suck it shills.
The shills are losing, haha
Anon posted that link NOT as a 'negation' of anything you said, but only as an addendum.
The main reason why msm fake news has died is ultimately from its inconsistent circular logic.
In 'looking around' he's always winning.
Referencing the NWO getting exposed first time ever, is not a valid data point for anyone ELSE 'losing', lol
Go fuck yourself, fedboi
They're not sending their best (they are)
They're so done, lol