"the universe all explains it the way i never can"
the strange channel, moscow
"the universe all explains it the way i never can"
the strange channel, moscow
put that coming out of a chimney and it might even be funny/
fortunately we have the real holy grail
you can say what you like
i still think filtering is the best thing since sliced bread
i seem to be the only anon who recommends filtering "id+"
for me this is obvious
if you can filter out the two nonces
sitting at adjacent desks wherever
pretending to argue about whatever
provide some respite for the eyes
only a pleasure
but mostly, you avoid saving that shit down when you save
jesus saves
qresearch saves
a treasure chest of clean bread, guaranteed no shit
only shills tell you not to filter
by their fruits shall ye know them
change my mind
did someone say captain morgan
there are nights where i just hide the odd post
there are nights when it's 99.9% total shit and a huge bandwidth waste
can't believe the accessibility of the board
it's the good old days again
just type very quietly
a very merry 2023 anons
make hay
looks like they might need it soon
great marketing opportunity it must be said
would you like that in black and/or white?
he's the winston churchill of our time
i really wonder what the real winston churchill would say
never in the field of human conflict, has such squalid idiocy met with such fawning adulation
it's the media
two weeks, plus or minus two weeks