morning anons
A new year and we are still here.
No Fear - God Speed Ahead o7
>>18056467, >>18056475, >>18056559, >>18056480, >>18056488, >>18057060, >>18057112, >>18056987, >>18057060, >>18057103, >>18057127 Greenland Theory diggz/Thule
interesting, anon remembers researching the Thule Society
Note: Check out the Wikipedia page, lots of info there.
The Thule Society (/ˈtuːlə/; German: Thule-Gesellschaft), originally the Studiengruppe für germanisches Altertum ("Study Group for Germanic Antiquity"), was a German occultist and Völkisch group founded in Munich shortly after World War I, named after a mythical northern country in Greek legend. The society is notable chiefly as the organization that sponsored the Deutsche Arbeiterpartei (DAP; German Workers' Party), which was later reorganized by Adolf Hitler into the National Socialist German Workers' Party (NSDAP or Nazi Party). According to Hitler biographer Ian Kershaw, the organization's "membership list … reads like a Who's Who of early Nazi sympathizers and leading figures in Munich", including Rudolf Hess, Alfred Rosenberg, Hans Frank, Julius Lehmann, Gottfried Feder, Dietrich Eckart, and Karl Harrer.[2]
Author Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke contends that Hans Frank and Rudolf Hess had been Thule members, but other leading Nazis had only been invited to speak at Thule meetings or they were entirely unconnected with it.[3][4] According to Johannes Hering, "There is no evidence that Hitler ever attended the Thule Society."[5]
reminds anon of the flat earth theory.
Ewar did a fantastic dig on that with real maths and logic.
Anon found this fascinating, especially the part about the maps, anon was on the trail of terremar and the citizens of terramar with ghislaine maxwell, then saw this and realized that maybe the maps are missing locations that the masses are allowed to see, not so much flat earth but limited maps for the masses. Especially the Mercator map.
Ewaranon's 'What On Earth Happened?' (All 13 Parts Full) [15.11.2021]
KimOsboel Published December 9, 2021
All 13 Parts in one sitting.
00:00:00 - Part 01 - Turning Inwards
00:07:19 - Part 02 - Of Maps and Magicians
00:34:39 - Part 03 - Flattening the Curve
00:57:17 - Part 04 - Vanishing Points & the Old Clock
01:21:34 - Part 05 - The Red Shield
01:47:27 - Part 06 - Infiltration Instead of Invasion
02:11:36 - Part 07 - Eyes Wide Open
03:01:55 - Part 08 - The Looking Glass
03:59:06 - Part 09 - PANIC!
04:37:30 - Part 10 - The Energetic Earth
05:24:53 - Part 11 - The Bumblebee & the Hexagon
06:07:07 - Part 12 - Stranger than Fiction
07:04:42 - Part 13 - Down the Rabbit Hole
Note: Putin is part of the W.E.F, why does anon think so, forget his previous membership of the young global leaders, you only have to look at the CBDC rolled out in Russia and digital surveillance including the vaccines deployed on his own people. KGB rules are much harsher then the west, they have in the past ensured that no stone is overturned and all opposition is silenced or eliminated, other then that, a noice speech. kek !!!
p.s note the cuts in editing on this video, plus it comes with english subtitles, also has a multitude of sources included below the bitchute of sources. did not include here, got to bitchute to get sources.
First published at 05:14 UTC on January 2nd, 2023.
no, but the digital currency the same as ukraine casts a different outcome
Follow the money always.
Where Central Banks Have Issued Digital Currencies
The value of Bitcoins and NFTs may have fallen over the past year, but a different approach to cryptocurrency is growing in popularity around the world while showcasing a totally different face of the blockchain.
As Statista's Katharina Buchholz details below, central bank digital currencies are controlled by governments like traditional currencies are and therefore represent the polar opposite of the idea of decentralized, non-traceable bitcoins. Several small nations and - as of October 2021, Nigeria - have launched central bank digital currencies, and several more populous countries are getting ready to jump aboard a different crypto hype train.
According to the Central Bank Digital Currency Tracker by Atlantic Council, CBDCs were launched even earlier than in Nigeria in Caribbean countries, for example in the Bahamas, Grenada, Dominica and Saint Lucia. The Sand Dollar of the Bahamas was the first central bank digital currency of the world upon its launch in 2019 and cleared the way for a rapid adoption around the region’s small nations.
The Chinese digital Yuan pilot made headlines in April 2019, but the project has not moved on since. Like Nigeria, China has a solid digital and mobile payment infrastructure. Large parts of the two countries' populations leapfrogged card payments and went straight from cash to digital payment options, which became hugely popular - may they be app or text-based. In developing countries, central banks also consider the potential of digital currencies reaching the unbanked.
Another reason for some governments to champion official digital currencies is the collection of data. Ubiquitous digital payments and tight government surveillance have led to a plethora of payment data already available to Chinese administrators. This knowledge on how people spend money will only grow with the implementation of the digital Yuan, even though the country’s central bank has said it will limit traceability and create what it calls “controllable anonymity.”
With the launch of the digital currency, every Yuan in circulation will either exist as physical or as digital currency. Analysts expect the Chinese government to raise the amount of digital currency in the future, thereby lowering the amount of physical currency available in the market. Some even think China plans to make all Yuan digital at one point.
Other countries which are in a CBDC pilot phase include Russia, Thailand, Malaysia, South Korea, Sweden, the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia. It is unclear, however, which program could see a proper launch next. Concrete plans to launch a CBDC were recorded by the source in Canada, Australia, Brazil and India, among others.
The digital Euro is also in its development phase, with a pilot scheduled for 2023 in participating nations.
notable video - trump stick middle maga finger to the globalist and then the fallout of soros, pope and banksters
you are not very bright then.
go sit in the corner and let the adults anons sort out the research.
it is pretty simple numbnuts.
it is a change of the monetary system.
no one gets a free pass, not even the jews who have been jabbed to within a inch of their lives.
this constant division is old and tired shill tactic.
You either comply or you will be cut off if they get their way.
CBDC is what they want, it is not about the money it is about control.
even a simpleton like you should be understand that hopefully.
do try to keep up bickle
ok anon will stop with the insults.
mainly cos it is getting us nowhere.
so you understand, the brics is a manufactured nation alliance to topple the U.S petrodollar hedgemony,
Whether it is run on gold or oil, resources or commodities, The usa economy must fall for them to get the digital monetary system to be implemented.
The whole grid is build on IBM, Accenture, J.P morgan and the usual banksters who ran the last system.
The top layer is hyperledger which the whole construct sits on, every country around the world including the stake holder society that klaus has stated is involved. it will be run with R3 (which is digital I.D) plus other alternatives to i.d verification to gain entry into a single point of access to be able to buy and sell.
Each and every transaction will be monitored and controlled and can be cut off by a click of a button.
As Agustin Carsten stated, it does not matter which kind of currency you use, we will have complete control and oversight on who gets to use it and ultimately who will not be allowed to use it.
The Key Difference With The CBDC Is The Central Bank Will Have Absolute Control
below is a video from the fat controller. only 56 seconds long.
RaisingAwareness Published May 19, 2022
Agustin Carstens, General Manager, Bank for International Settlements (BIS) - “We don’t know who’s using a $100 bill today and we don’t know who’s using a 1,000 peso bill today. The key difference with the CBDC is the central bank will have absolute control on the rules and regulations that will determine the use of that expression of central bank liability, and also we will have the technology to enforce that.”
Agustin Carstens sent a chilling message regarding the future direction of central bank digital currencies (CBDC). All FED Chairs [world wide] report to this fellow. He states - without stuttering - the objective of the BIS is to END CURRENCY (to control the people). This means no more private money. No more cash belonging to the people. From this viewpoint - access to money is a PRIVILEGE - and may be revoked at will.
you are welcome
we have to unite or we will be lost.
anons can only guide, the decision to know is always yours.
I.Q is over rated.
common sense is a much better guide to intelligence.
what always amazes this anon is how so many people have to have one fixed perception of the world and cannot hold multiple perceptions at the same time.
Anon is not a flat earther or religious but anon does have faith and have real most if not all the religions trying to figure out why people follow different ideologies and spout dogmas.
in the end there is intelligent design which cannot be refuted and anon believes that he has a soul to protect if it ever needs to be judged by anons deeds and actions not just empty words.
you do not have to believe everything you hear or see, but with critical thinking and discernment you can be led to the truth.
And the Truth shall set you free !!!
A guide to discernment which anon saved from another anons post - valuable info
8 lessons of 10 years of Truthing: take it or leave it.
VERIFY/CHECK before spreading! Truth is the most precious thing, keep it clean.
Forget your EGO/EMOTIONS. Truth doesn't care: Truth hurts.
Start with establishing #FACTS: WHAT/WHERE/WHEN? Then, look for actors: WHO? Only LATER: reasons and explanations (WHY?/HOW?). Most #disinfo agents target insecure truthers by moving immediately to "why?". NO. Stay calm, establish as much baseline fact as possible. WHY is NOT important: THEY decide THEIR rules.
Use EYES, EARS, SIMPLE LOGIC. Simple facts destroy the most complicated lies. Truth requires few words. Lies need libaries.
ANY group spreading #Truth WILL be targeted by agents trying to poison the Truth, destroy group #cohesion and #credibility, AKA "Poisoning of the well." People don't want to be associated with liars and lunatics. THEY will try to make YOU look crazy, but also their OWN #ControlledOpposition agents. The #tinfoilhat/#conspiracytheory campaign is effective: the sheeple have built up natural defenses against what they don't know #ridicule.
THEY know/accept that smart minds WILL connect with Truth every generation (a #NEO). My theory is THEY are envious of people who managed to find out Truth against all odds. However, Truth is too important to get spread wider, so THEY WILL find ways to manage it on micro, but more importantly, macro level. A single truther doesn't matter, but mass awakening MUST be prevented, guided, controlled, through agents and half-truths (lies). The goal is to make the fake-awake feel like they know the truth, while they dont. This is the purpose of #Q, #Assange, #Snowden, and other "#limitedhangout".
Truthers using real names are rare because of repercussions that Truthing has. #Truth is generally not accepted by your friends, family, or your employer: it's too uncomfortable to be associated with publicly. ONLY #ControlledOppposition folks from elite families can easily play the #tinfoilhat guy in public. They have nothing to lose: they're VIP already. "Verified accounts" you should trust the LEAST.
Every so called or self-proclaimed "Truther", must have or develop the ability to discern Truth from disinformation. This is a basic skill and principle: #discernment, truth or lie should be applied to ALL information presented to you, and ALL parts and pieces of that information, whether you buy into the general principle/message of that information or not. You can NEVER ASSUME. EVER. You can NEVER accept one part and then automatically the whole, because THAT is how they sell LIES. By packaging it in a 90% truth wrapping.
#Discernment does not come fully natural, this can only be honed and perfected by exposing yourself to new information, truthful and deceitful, learning to recognize facts from fiction. This is a very subtle, but extremely powerful and important skill. As MY tutor who took me under his wing told me: "Eat the meat, spit out the bones."
God bless all of you.
anons have a good record of finding the truth
especially when we work together.
so many different discipline fags on this board all are voluntary.
they give their knowledge without favour and then others can verify with sources.
Amazing collection for free spirit souls gathered in one place and beyond==
Anon is very honoured and humbled to be amongst those who just want freedom here and those beyond on the ground and including the lurkers who take the info from here and put their input to it.
Wwg1 Wga