We've got a toots, here.
Guess where he goes.
>WTF is going on in here?
>I come back after sleeping for 20 hours straight and it's like a sausage fest of faggot chatbots.
Federal holidays are like that.
Tits or get the fuck out.
>You think these orbs give you, power?
>Over me…?
In a choice between bubbles and doge ego, bubbles wins hands down.
>Okay coomer
Go lick yourself looking at feet.
Bewbs are a universal attraction.
Bewbs are food
Bewbs are life
They're also bouncy
>The only orb that matters to me is the dough!
>baker drama
You slipped up and told the truth.
KYS, namefag/famefag/glownigger
You're not anon.
You're not 'needed'
You're here for your ego
>Anons! Reproduce!
Mind if I borrow your wife?
Mine had an allergic reaction and gained a whole bunch of weight after eating wedding cake.
Comfy now
>Still think the weed now isn't as good as it was.
GMO weed (sometimes laced with fentanyl)
Only tards think it's good and non-addictive