…Fist thing is first; Coffee, then pots. It's one of those evenings/mornings.
…Dreams are nothing more than the subconscious surfacing for a brief moment. Short term memory dependent, thus why pot takers rarely dream. Scrolling on.
>busty beautiful woman walks up to you… has a little girl in tow
…I'd turn around and walk away.
…Automatic response, unless lucid dreaming. Even in that case, the same actions, with maybe a little 'shit you've always wanted to say'. A subcon/conscience middle zone (lucid dreaming).Trying be as direct as possible. Wasting my time, again. Moving on.
…Interesting shift, visualizing this as a plasma array. As though the formation goes retrograde.
…That 1st pic, anon sees that Zeus thunderbolt. That's a lot of lightning sprites (the red color gives it away).
…Enough to shake humanity to the core (imprinting itself on genetic memory). The 'amnesia' thing makes more sense (blocking out trauma).
…Wait, what flat Earth?
Oh, ok. Anon never 'clicks dat shit'.
…It's bad as weeeeeed.
…CBD bred out of it, in favor of high THC levels. ~~CBD needs to be bred back into the strains. to bring back that balance.~~