u tapping out? i can bake a loaf or 2
confirm handoff
dough >>18057161
>>18057193 New Year's Eve prison break in Chihuahua, Mexico
>>18057202 DC Explosion heard many blocks in and beyond the Navy Yard neighborhood
>>18057221 Longtime watchdog of government and social issues, Seattle radio host Dori Monson dies at 61
>>18057234 Unprecedented Vaccine Disaster Says Professor Masanori Fukushima
>>18057244, >>18057277 June 18th, 2010 Article Shows Obama Led an Effort To Build a Ukraine-Based BioLab Handling ‘Especially Dangerous Pathogens'
>>18057253 Melinda Gates Opens Up About Marriage To Bill Gates, Discusses ‘Abhorrent, Evil’ Relationship With Jeffrey Epstein in First Post-Divorce Interview
>>18057271 Gun Owners of America Classified 18 Republican Senators as Traitors
>>18057293 Vax Analyst Warns 'Something Horrible Is Going On' And 'The Longer They Ignore It, The More Criminal It Is'
>>18057303 Here's A List Of Biden Tax Hikes Which Take Effect Jan. 1
>>18057306 kek
>>18057324 Macleod: Gold In 2023
>>18057346 Blog from Nov 11, 2016: Common Ground - West Point and the CIA
>>18057370 Jill Biden's New Year message to Americans: "Go get that COVID vaccine."
>>18057377 July 2019 article: The Epstein Associate Nobody’s Talking About: The IDF-Linked Bond Girl Infiltrating the UK NHS
>>18057391 Illegal migration surges in Europe with 308,000 “irregular entries” in 2022
>>18057406 Juan Guaido, main rival to Venezuala's socialist party, voted out
>>18057421 Israel's courts extended the arrest of a Chief Rabbinate official who was arrested on suspicion of sexually abusing a minor over a decade ago for several years
>>18057431 America’s universities have become centers of anti-American revolution, not centers of learning
>>18057203, >>18057227 Qpost 2023: BIG!
>>18057248 QClock January 01, 2023- Seals Are Wonderful / Who is Klaus Schwab
>>18057275, >>18057292, >>18057308, >>18057318, >>18057430, >>18057435, >>18057439 Anon tripping balls from another dimension connecting dots
>>18057424, >>18057441, >>18057454, >>18057463 Greenland Theory diggz/Thule con't
gimme one for energy and focus
dough >>18057161
>>18057193 New Year's Eve prison break in Chihuahua, Mexico
>>18057202, >>18057529 DC Explosion heard many blocks in and beyond the Navy Yard neighborhood
>>18057221 Longtime watchdog of government and social issues, Seattle radio host Dori Monson dies at 61
>>18057234 Unprecedented Vaccine Disaster Says Professor Masanori Fukushima
>>18057244, >>18057277 June 18th, 2010 Article Shows Obama Led an Effort To Build a Ukraine-Based BioLab Handling ‘Especially Dangerous Pathogens'
>>18057253 Melinda Gates Opens Up About Marriage To Bill Gates, Discusses ‘Abhorrent, Evil’ Relationship With Jeffrey Epstein in First Post-Divorce Interview
>>18057270 Netanyahu: "Despicable" UN Vote Has No Bearing On Israel
>>18057271 Gun Owners of America Classified 18 Republican Senators as Traitors
>>18057293 Vax Analyst Warns 'Something Horrible Is Going On' And 'The Longer They Ignore It, The More Criminal It Is'
>>18057303 Here's A List Of Biden Tax Hikes Which Take Effect Jan. 1
>>18057306 kek
>>18057324 Macleod: Gold In 2023
>>18057346 Blog from Nov 11, 2016: Common Ground - West Point and the CIA
>>18057370 Jill Biden's New Year message to Americans: "Go get that COVID vaccine."
>>18057377 July 2019 article: The Epstein Associate Nobody’s Talking About: The IDF-Linked Bond Girl Infiltrating the UK NHS
>>18057391 Illegal migration surges in Europe with 308,000 “irregular entries” in 2022
>>18057406 Juan Guaido, main rival to Venezuala's socialist party, voted out
>>18057421 Israel's courts extended the arrest of a Chief Rabbinate official who was arrested on suspicion of sexually abusing a minor over a decade ago for several years
>>18057431 America’s universities have become centers of anti-American revolution, not centers of learning
>>18057440 Iran has confirmed that it is taking delivery of a full Squadron of 24 Russian S-35S fighter jets and more
>>18057509 This is the person that the media cites as an online safety and disinformation expert
>>18057518 Elon Musk teases release of bombshell Fauci Files in this week's Twitter document dump
>>18057557 Meta creates working group to unblock Trump's accounts
>>18057561 Jeremy Renner in 'critical but stable condition'
>>18057294, >>18057424, >>18057441, >>18057454 Qaanaaq Greenland
>>18057463, >>18057486, >>18057495, >>18057507 Thule Society dig con't
>>18057248 QClock January 01, 2023- Seals Are Wonderful / Who is Klaus Schwab
>>18057203, >>18057227 Qpost 2023: BIG!
>>18057275, >>18057292, >>18057308, >>18057318, >>18057430, >>18057402, >>18057435, >>18057439 Anon tripping balls from another dimension connecting dots
>>18057510, >>18057522 Expand your thinking
>23:23 timestamp
>You start hallucinating on day three
ill pass im tripping balls on life as it is
the kryptonite of autismos and philosophers is getting laid be the problem
dough >>18057161
>>18057188, >>18057196, >>18057214, >>18057328, >>18057206 A Ukraine confirmation from 6 months ago
>>18057193 New Year's Eve prison break in Chihuahua, Mexico
>>18057202, >>18057529 DC Explosion heard many blocks in and beyond the Navy Yard neighborhood
>>18057221 Longtime watchdog of government and social issues, Seattle radio host Dori Monson dies at 61
>>18057234 Unprecedented Vaccine Disaster Says Professor Masanori Fukushima
>>18057244, >>18057277 June 18th, 2010 Article Shows Obama Led an Effort To Build a Ukraine-Based BioLab Handling ‘Especially Dangerous Pathogens'
>>18057253 Melinda Gates Opens Up About Marriage To Bill Gates, Discusses ‘Abhorrent, Evil’ Relationship With Jeffrey Epstein in First Post-Divorce Interview
>>18057270 Netanyahu: "Despicable" UN Vote Has No Bearing On Israel
>>18057271 Gun Owners of America Classified 18 Republican Senators as Traitors
>>18057293 Vax Analyst Warns 'Something Horrible Is Going On' And 'The Longer They Ignore It, The More Criminal It Is'
>>18057303 Here's A List Of Biden Tax Hikes Which Take Effect Jan. 1
>>18057306 kek
>>18057324 Macleod: Gold In 2023
>>18057346 Blog from Nov 11, 2016: Common Ground - West Point and the CIA
>>18057370 Jill Biden's New Year message to Americans: "Go get that COVID vaccine."
>>18057377 July 2019 article: The Epstein Associate Nobody’s Talking About: The IDF-Linked Bond Girl Infiltrating the UK NHS
>>18057391 Illegal migration surges in Europe with 308,000 “irregular entries” in 2022
>>18057406 Juan Guaido, main rival to Venezuala's socialist party, voted out
>>18057421 Israel's courts extended the arrest of a Chief Rabbinate official who was arrested on suspicion of sexually abusing a minor over a decade ago for several years
>>18057431, >>18057574, >>18057608 America’s universities have become centers of anti-American revolution, not centers of learning
>>18057440 Iran has confirmed that it is taking delivery of a full Squadron of 24 Russian S-35S fighter jets and more
>>18057509 This is the person that the media cites as an online safety and disinformation expert
>>18057518 Elon Musk teases release of bombshell Fauci Files in this week's Twitter document dump
>>18057557 Meta creates working group to unblock Trump's accounts
>>18057561, >>18057402 Jeremy Renner in 'critical but stable condition'
>>18057576 Putin's New Year Speech to Russians
>>18057579, >>18057588, >>18057585, >>18057593, >>18057618, >>18057622 WEF, Trump, Putin
>>18057590 Support for Kevin McCarthy, the House Minority Leader, declining
>>18057632 China’s CCP Concealed SARS-CoV-2 Presence in China as Far Back as March 2018
>>18057294, >>18057424, >>18057441, >>18057454 Qaanaaq Greenland
>>18057463, >>18057486, >>18057495, >>18057507 Thule Society dig con't
>>18057508, >>18057528, >>18057544, >>18057572, >>18057605 Squatter Man
>>18057248 QClock January 01, 2023- Seals Are Wonderful / Who is Klaus Schwab
>>18057203, >>18057227 Qpost 2023: BIG!
>>18057275, >>18057292, >>18057308, >>18057318, >>18057430, >>18057435, >>18057439 Anon tripping balls from another dimension connecting dots
>>18057510, >>18057522 Expand your thinking
i aint sayin give up im slow roastin this shit, no globohomo
use bo tag pls
ill keep the format the same unless i hear some complaints about it
sure ill start new bread actually since youre around
dough >>18057161
>>18057188, >>18057196, >>18057214, >>18057328, >>18057206 A Ukraine confirmation from 6 months ago
>>18057193 New Year's Eve prison break in Chihuahua, Mexico
>>18057202, >>18057529 DC Explosion heard many blocks in and beyond the Navy Yard neighborhood
>>18057221 Longtime watchdog of government and social issues, Seattle radio host Dori Monson dies at 61
>>18057234 Unprecedented Vaccine Disaster Says Professor Masanori Fukushima
>>18057244, >>18057277 June 18th, 2010 Article Shows Obama Led an Effort To Build a Ukraine-Based BioLab Handling ‘Especially Dangerous Pathogens'
>>18057253 Melinda Gates Opens Up About Marriage To Bill Gates, Discusses ‘Abhorrent, Evil’ Relationship With Jeffrey Epstein in First Post-Divorce Interview
>>18057270 Netanyahu: "Despicable" UN Vote Has No Bearing On Israel
>>18057271 Gun Owners of America Classified 18 Republican Senators as Traitors
>>18057293 Vax Analyst Warns 'Something Horrible Is Going On' And 'The Longer They Ignore It, The More Criminal It Is'
>>18057303 Here's A List Of Biden Tax Hikes Which Take Effect Jan. 1
>>18057306 kek
>>18057324 Macleod: Gold In 2023
>>18057346 Blog from Nov 11, 2016: Common Ground - West Point and the CIA
>>18057370 Jill Biden's New Year message to Americans: "Go get that COVID vaccine."
>>18057377 July 2019 article: The Epstein Associate Nobody’s Talking About: The IDF-Linked Bond Girl Infiltrating the UK NHS
>>18057391 Illegal migration surges in Europe with 308,000 “irregular entries” in 2022
>>18057406, >>18057656 Juan Guaido, main rival to Venezuala's socialist party, voted out
>>18057421 Israel's courts extended the arrest of a Chief Rabbinate official who was arrested on suspicion of sexually abusing a minor over a decade ago for several years
>>18057431, >>18057574, >>18057608 America’s universities have become centers of anti-American revolution, not centers of learning
>>18057440 Iran has confirmed that it is taking delivery of a full Squadron of 24 Russian S-35S fighter jets and more
>>18057509 This is the person that the media cites as an online safety and disinformation expert
>>18057518 Elon Musk teases release of bombshell Fauci Files in this week's Twitter document dump
>>18057557 Meta creates working group to unblock Trump's accounts
>>18057561, >>18057402 Jeremy Renner in 'critical but stable condition'
>>18057576 Putin's New Year Speech to Russians
>>18057579, >>18057598, >>18057588, >>18057585, >>18057593, >>18057618, >>18057622, >>18057633 WEF, Trump, Putin
>>18057590 Support for Kevin McCarthy, the House Minority Leader, declining
>>18057632 China’s CCP Concealed SARS-CoV-2 Presence in China as Far Back as March 2018
>>18057669 Exiled chief rabbi says Jews should leave Russia
>>18057294, >>18057424, >>18057441, >>18057454 Qaanaaq Greenland
>>18057463, >>18057486, >>18057495, >>18057507 Thule Society dig con't
>>18057508, >>18057528, >>18057544, >>18057572, >>18057605 Squatter Man
>>18057248 QClock January 01, 2023- Seals Are Wonderful / Who is Klaus Schwab
>>18057203, >>18057227 Qpost 2023: BIG!
>>18057275, >>18057292, >>18057308, >>18057318, >>18057430, >>18057435, >>18057439 Anon tripping balls from another dimension connecting dots
>>18057510, >>18057522 Expand your thinking