Anonymous ID: 4e4919 June 18, 2018, 7:17 p.m. No.1806733   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Former CIA official charged with unauthorized disclosure of classified info


Former CIA official Joshua Adam Schulte was charged in a new 13-count indictment in relation to the unauthorized theft and disclosure of classified national defense information from the agency, the Justice Department announced Monday. WikiLeaks is not mentioned by name, but the organization did publish last year some of the CIA’s hacking tools in what became known as the "Vault 7" collection. “Leaks of classified information pose a danger to the security of all Americans,” John Demers, assistant attorney general for national security, said in a statement. “It adds insult to injury when, as alleged here, the leaks come from former government officials in whom Americans placed their sacred trust.”


“As alleged, Schulte utterly betrayed this nation and downright violated his victims. As an employee of the CIA, Schulte took an oath to protect this country, but he blatantly endangered it by the transmission of Classified Information,” William Sweeney Jr., head of the New York FBI office, said in a statement.


Schulte’s lawyer Sabrina Shroff said Monday that, “When all the evidence is clear, he’s hardly the villain that the government tries to make him out to be,” according to the Associated Press.


Schulte was previously charged with the receipt possession and transportation of child pornography and criminal copyright infringement. Schulte is currently detained due to the child pornography charges.



Anonymous ID: 4e4919 June 18, 2018, 7:26 p.m. No.1806850   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6926

Paul Ryan's immigration bill gains traction ahead of House votes


A bill put together by House Speaker Paul Ryan, R-Wis., that he hopes will be a compromise on immigration reform for both moderates and conservative Republicans appears to have won approval of key negotiators. Reps. Bob Goodlatte, R-Va., and Michael McCaul, R-Texas, said they back the Ryan plan, even though they have authored a more conservative immigration reform proposal that House lawmakers are supposed to vote on this month. The approval of Goodlatte and McCaul could help bring in support for the Ryan compromise plan from a faction of conservatives who will be needed to help pass the bill. While the legislation is not scheduled yet for a vote this week, it is expected on the floor for consideration in the coming days.


President Trump, who said he backs either the Ryan bill or the Goodlatte/McCaul measure, is expected to urge House Republicans to pass either bill Tuesday afternoon when he makes a rare visit to the Capitol. The Ryan bill is considered a compromise measure that includes aspects of the more conservative Goodlatte measures and a bill authored by moderate Republicans, who had in recent weeks threatened to use a discharge petition to force a floor vote on legislation to protect Dreamers from deportation.


Goodlatte said he’d back either his own bill or Ryan’s compromise. “I obviously like the bill that I’ve introduced.” Goodlatte, who chairs the House Judiciary Committee, said on Fox News. "But we’ve also worked very collaboratively with the leadership, and with people who support the discharge petition, and people who do not support it all across the spectrum. And we have reached a consensus bill which we provided text language that we’re now circulating. I will be supporting both of them.” Goodlatte has acknowledged his own measure lacked the votes to pass, leaving the Ryan bill as the sole Republican option with any chance of becoming law.


The Ryan legislation includes four immigration reform requirements outlined by President Trump in January. That includes providing a special pathway to citizenship for 1.8 million Dreamers who came here as children, a reduction in chain migration, an end to the visa lottery system, and money for a wall along the southern border. The Goodlatte/McCaul measure provides a more difficult pathway to citizenship and only for the approximately 800,000 people now enrolled in the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program put in place by President Barack Obama. Goodlatte’s bill would end chain migration, the visa lottery system, and would authorize border wall funding.


Two outside groups who favor reduced immigration rates are critical of the Ryan plan, arguing that it amounts to amnesty for those who came to the country illegally, continues chain migration, and does not include a mandate for companies to use E-Verify, which some immigration reform advocates say is needed to curb illegal immigration. E-Verify is a system that ensures new hires are in the country legally. Ryan has promised a vote on E-Verify in July and has also pledged consideration of a bill to create a program for immigrant agriculture workers.


The upcoming debate over immigration comes as the GOP faces backlash over the Trump administration’s handling of children brought into the country illegally at the southern border. Republicans included a provision in the Ryan compromise bill that would allow parents and children to remain together at detention centers, which is currently prohibited and has resulted in border officials taking children from detained parents. “We fix it in this bill,” Rep Jeff Denham, R-Calif., a key moderate negotiator and author of the discharge petition, told CNN. “We want to keep parents with their children.”

Anonymous ID: 4e4919 June 18, 2018, 7:32 p.m. No.1806927   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6940

Republicans demand names of unidentified FBI employees in IG report


Republican lawmakers are asking the Justice Department’s internal watchdog to hand over the names of unidentified FBI agents and employees mentioned in its report on how the FBI investigated Hillary Clinton's private email server.


Rep. Andy Biggs, R-Ariz., and seven other Republicans wrote a letter asking Inspector General Michael Horowitz whether the FBI employees in question should be unmasked “in the interest of justice and transparency.” “As representatives of the American people, Congress deserves to know exactly who contributed to the abuse of power at the Department of Justice and FBI,” the lawmakers wrote. “These individuals need to be held accountable and only transparency will ensure that action.”


The Justice Department’s inspector general last week released its long-anticipated report that detailed the missteps taken by the FBI and Justice Department during its investigation into Clinton. The report revealed messages exchanged by two FBI officials, Peter Strzok and Lisa Page, who were engaged in an extramarital affair and found to have made derogatory comments about President Trump.


It also detailed other text messages and instant messages exchanged by unnamed FBI officials that “included statements of hostility toward” Trump. One FBI lawyer assigned to the Justice Department's investigation into Russian meddling in the 2016 election was found to have sent another attorney at the bureau a message stating, "viva le resistance," after Trump was elected. The unidentified lawyer told the inspector general when asked about the message it was just “commentary” between two people “in a personal friendly capacity where she is just making a joke, and I’m responding.” “We found that the conduct of these five FBI employees brought discredit to themselves, sowed doubt about the FBI’s handling of the midyear investigation, and impacted the reputation of the FBI,” the report said.


The inspector general said that though the conduct from the FBI officials “cast a cloud over” the bureau’s investigation into Clinton’s use of a private email server, there was no evidence that connected the political views expressed in the messages to the decisions related to the probe. Biggs and his fellow Republican lawmakers said “there are many serious findings regarding actions of FBI agents who were not directly identified in your report.” In addition to Biggs, GOP Reps. Dave Brat of Virginia, Scott DesJarlais of Tennessee, Matt Gaetz of Florida, Paul Gosar of Arizona, Jody Hice of Georgia, Jim Jordan of Ohio, and Ralph Norman of South Carolina signed the letter to Horowitz.

