This IG report was limited in it's scope. It was ONLY regarding the Hillary Clinton email investigation. They found no political bias against Hillary Clinton. Will the IG do a report on the political bias in the Trump/Russia investigation?
Yes, because Comey showed ZERO bias against Hillary. He and his agents showed total bias AGAINST Trump.
The 13 angry democrats don't control the IG. Trust Horowitz.
We are living RENT free in her head.
Comey and crew did NOT, repeat NOT, show political bias against Clinton, so they were correct in their assessment. Can they honestly say that Comey and crew didn't show political bias against Trump?
Truth is hated by the wicked. They deny it and insist you deny Him too.
Stokes lawyer larping?
Sections were removed
This will backfire bigly. Who ACTUALLY keeps children in cages?