>No, that's my Aunt.
both could be true
i don't believe he got hit in the chest.
which makes this diagnosis not make sense.
does anybody have a good view of the hit?
i don't have good eyesight, but i am not seeing a direct hit to his chest.
but i don't think the hit was directly to chest.
he hits his shoulder area and then slides down his chest.
>players/captains and coaches from both teams, who had witnessed Bills safety Damar Hamlin getting CPR for 8 minutes, said they would not continue the game. #NFL
Roger G is toast, even if he didn't do anything 'wrong'
he chose poorly for an hour.
the players walked out and he had no choice but to call game.
>It is not associated with pre-existing heart damage or COVID ๐
nice narrative.
too bad he didn't get hit in chest directly.
That's why the vid will get pulled soon, never to be seen again.
>Aaron Rodgers and Kyree Irvin are lookin like geniusโ right now!
>Did you watch the same vid or are you intent on pushing bullshit regardless of the evidence?
I read that this heart stopping incidence is 'common' in LaCross, so the players started wearing pads or guards to protect their chest.
But Football players already wear pads that protect most of their chest.
would be damn hard to get a helmet in between those shoulder pads and get a direct hit in the heart area
>Wasn't the helmet that did it
if it wasn't the helmet or shoulder pads, what was it that supposedly hit his chest in between his shoulder pads.
I swear, you won't believe that fakenews is your enemy
> "I watched the play live both as a fan and a cardiologist and I saw blunt neck and chest trauma,
he saw both blunt neck and chest trauma
they are still trying to say the vax may have been a contributing factor, but not the factor.
no, he may have seen blunt neck, but he didn't see chest trauma?
how did he see chest 'trauma'?
you don't see chest trauma, you either see a hit to the chest or you don't.
he is mincing his wordsโฆsubstituting trauma for hit.
not the same
because this time was different.
they have all been hearing about 'died suddently' but now they saw it with their own eyes.
The players know that he was not hit that hard.
The players know that they could be next.
How many just got boosted?
They must be scared to death.
The game is just one blow after another
>When fake news praises "intercessory prayer"
If we were to follow the science, then we would know that there is more scientific evidence to show that people are born with a God gene, making it impossible for them not to believe in God and not to believe in prayer.
Yet, the people who believe in God and can't help it because they are born that way are not only NOT A PROTECTED CLASS of people, but they are scorned and blamed for those who behave in ways they are not born to behave.
the NFL players take direct hits to the chest all the time, all game longโฆ and yet this is happening now.
where were the defibrillators before this game?
surely, if this is a rare occurrence, it would have to be rare if this is the first case of it in NFL history, then why the need for defibrillators?
whey the need for defibrillators now? why?
defibrillators everywhere but NFL games?
how was this allowed to happen?
the most dangerous sport we are told.
countless brain injuries, but no one thought about defibrillators until now?
why not? because they aren't needed
not until covid,
why not a God gene
I think it's pretty clear that there is one,
After all, He said, it is WRITTEN in our hearts.