Our President is saying stuff –
Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump https://truthsocial.com/@realDonaldTrump
Wow! Has anyone seen the Ruby Freeman “contradictions” of her sworn testimony? Now this is “BIG STUFF.”Look what was captured by Cobb County police body cameras on January 4, 2021. “And everything they are saying is false. Everything from the quote unquote SUITCASES OF THE BALLOT BOXES, TO THE WHY WE OPENED THEM BACK UP. EVERYTHING THEY SAID WAS FALSE.THE FBI…REACHED OUT TO ME ONLY TO CLEAR MY SOCIAL MEDIA (evidence tampering?)…COUNT WAS LOW, IT WAS REALLY LOW.” Now it gets really bad,TRUTH 2 https://truthsocial.com/@realDonaldTrump/109623460421938942
Ruby Freeman, page 2: “BOOM under the table. Cut the zip ties to scan them so the number would go up…so that’s how the number was CREATED, by the ballots going through the scanner…I do want an attorney. IT’S ALL A FRAUD. EVERYTHING THEY ARE SAYING IS FALSE. FROM THE SUITCASES OF THE BALLOT BOXES, TO WHY WE OPENED THEM BACK UP. EVERYTHING THEY SAID WAS FALSE.” They got Ruby 7 top D.C. lawyers and protection from the FBI (Again?). WHY? She then “changed” her statements - LIED? TROUBLE FOR RUBY!!! Jan 03, 2023, 12:07 AM
What will the Great State of Georgia do with the Ruby Freeman MESS? Why not just tell the TRUTH, get rid of the turmoil and guilt, and take our Country back from the evils and treachery of the Radical Left monsters who want to see America die? MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! Jan 03, 2023, 12:29 AM
NONE of it would have even been possible if not for a NWO Communist fake entertainment PRAVDA making it so. No potato, no Communist control of everything… no nothing without the most dangerous weapon of all controlling the masses' MINDS.