dat is too gay
you are kind of gay, anon disapproves of faggotization of the pepe and especially of the IWO JIMA Sacrifice - faggot
you should be ashamed if you had that discernment coilability
third vote incoming, mccarthy does not have enough
jordan got magic digits and just passed the Q number
if you have not figured it out,
m baker is not working alone,
there is a team who have highjacked the baker duties.
From this anons experience of bakering, it gets really difficult after doing 8 hours and almost impossible not to lose your shit doing over 10 hours.
It is good to have bakers who do long shifts but the topics are off and a lot of the notables are just idle chatter without focus.
2 cents given
they are fucking up the count
how many votes are there, thought it was 432
Fuck it, make them vote 134 times as a new record and earn their lobbyist money
Pfizer wants its deals and bucks
3 days of fasting, wish anon had instructions of how to fast and what to do with a rosary, do not even have a rosary
anon is on his first day of fasting,
finding it difficult at the moment.
nothing since last night around 8pm.
gone 24 hours with just tea and two bits of toast.
Anyone else on the fasting called by viganio?
Anon thinks clay higgins would make a great speaker
true, but just anons opine.
he is a fearsome character and takes not shit.
he probably followed trumps advice.
notable twitter files bun - tanks anon, great work
lest we forget, the injustices on the innocents - god protect them and let those fucking around without a thought of those still locked up for just standing up for their rights and walking into a trap
Tanks for the encouragement.
going to the fourth vote, mccarthy does not have enough votes, they gonna change the rulez and give it to jefferies as he has won all counts without winning 218 votes - wait for it!!!
narrative coming
What ever vatican shill, so fucking obvious, the one thing people should not look at is vatican 2 and the jesuits take over
You are way out of you league here amongst the council of anons.
>anon is doing partial fast to help clean out spike protein.
ok what ever you say