>A clean house is very important
>A clean house is very important
>'Dasting. Seriously doubt we'll get Dem defectors.
Could habben if they want to keep a swamp creature in charge.
Do we have to wait for mail in votes before we'll know the new speaker?
>I would love to see someone nominate Trump, just to watch the reeeeeeee that would go with it.
Anon would love to see Don Jr nommed.
Imagine junior running the house, and senior back in the oval office.
The ree would be epic.
Anon wonders how many millions dems are offering rinos for those last six votes.
Cspan saying be ready for 3rd vote soon because dems leaving floor lowers threshold for McCarthy.
>Dittos to those R's wanting to change the direction of the R party.
>I don't understand why POTUS isn't backing them.
Republican party needs to be destroyed, too.
It's dirty, and wields too much power.
The whole diseased uniparty temple must be torn down.
Not just the dem party.
>the honorable kevin mccarthy
Anybody voting that is dirty