Anonymous ID: 9cda36 Jan. 3, 2023, 2:50 p.m. No.18068334   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Mike Schyck and hundreds of other Ohio State University athletes suffered sexual abuse by Dr. Richard Straus.


“He tells me to drop ’em, and you’re standing there, and he wheels his way over to you. He’s 125 pounds and you could break him like a balsa stick. His face is right next to your junk and he’s got his hand on your dick for at least five minutes, trying to get you aroused, lifting it, pulling it, tugging it, the whole nine yards, making casual conversation with you the whole time, asking you personal questions while he’s doing it—‘You have any problems, any issues?’


“At that point I’m frozen in time. You’re trying to do one of those things like you don’t want anything to happen—God knows you don’t want to get a hard-on. So you’re doing everything you can and he’s still doing his deal on it. He’s got his hand on your butt cheeks. He’s grabbing your leg. It’s like he’s there doing the deed as a girlfriend—he’s trying to do everything he can to get you aroused, and while he’s doing that, I don’t know why, but I ended up telling him I got hit in the privates. I got hit in one of my nuts and I got a fluid-filled sac, like a bruise.


“I’m talking to the doctor, but I just shot myself in the foot because now he goes and wheels himself back to his seat. I’m scared as hell—he turns the light out and he’s got a light pen and he starts rolling my way. I can see him coming with the light pen over to where I’m at, and then he does the same thing on me again with the light pen and it gives him the liberty to go even deeper into what he’s doing. He’s lifting, he’s pulling, he’s prodding, he’s pushing, he’s grabbin’ my nuts—I mean, I’d never had anyone do that. Never had a girlfriend do that. He’s putting a light on it and he’s doing this and he’s doing that and he’s showing me and he’s grabbing the head of my dick and pulling it up and down—that was my first time with him.”