So Jordan is Rick Blaine in Casablanca. The reluctant hero.
typical bureaucrat.
Can we please stop with the "need to show people" idea at this point. The people who do not get it at this point will not get it until they are slapped hard in the face with hard facts that shatter some belief(s) they currently hold. This "battle" over the speakership will not wake anybody up.
how is that a reply to what i wrote? gibberish.
we will find out on friday.
Sounds great, but in my experience it is not happening. In fact the opposite is happening. I know many people who voted for Trump and will vote for him again, BUT they do not like him and blame him for losing in 2020 and the poor showing in 2022. They think he lost in 2020 because he has turn everything into a fight. He can't stay on the messages that put him up in the polls. He has to give the opposition ammunition. If I even mention his name now they just cringe and put their hand up to stop me from saying anything further.
The libs I know believe all of the propa. They think there is no way all of the media could be fake. They are not even libs really. They are blue state "independents." They believe in themselves and their education. they know better than either side, or so they think. They will need to see many cold, hard facts before they accept the truth. Twitter files, or "exposing" McCarthy, or whomever through a political circus is page 8 for them. Speculation, nonsense, clickbait.
Your grandiose picture of control over humanity is nothing more than hiding the truth. You have the truth but will not distribute it. the lack of awakening lies directly with you now.
au contraire. I absolutely see that happening. I see it for what it is, and not "vax deaths."
You try to make yourself sound superior, but you are not. Claim that I do not have perspective and change the subject to how many Satanics are dying when that was not the subject at hand. The question is the witholding of the truth and repacing it with continuous episodes of WWF Does Politics as a supposed means of awakening the population.
sauce? just one? interesting.
your game is endless.
lol. "I am correct because my soul is immortal." Nice use of logic.