Anyone watching Laura right now? I think the universe just flipped over. Showed a clip of a msdnc segment and the guest, or anchor don't know which, just led the other two anchors in prayer over Damar Hamlin. WOW. Also saw a short interview with Damar and he spoke of his upbringing, how instrumental his Mom and Dad was in his life and his younger brother and how important his family is to him. Really sincere, impresive young man. I pray for his recovery.
MSDNC is the Mecca of the progressive, liberal, leftist, communist movement. For them to not only allow "prayer", live, on TV but to have the anchors particpate? WOW!!!!
That is correct and I think many are not giving this the weight that I think it's gonna carry. This is the proverbial loose thread and when it's pulled, is going to unravel everything. Last chance for SC.
They can't ignore it. They too, are implicated if they rule against. On notice. Do your fucking job. Honor your oath. Gitmo will be the next stop if you don't.
Well, at least he did something right. I'm 50-50 on this guy but I think the conditions Roy and the others wanted are not unreasonable.
When you have the head clerk of the court call you and tell you they are taking the complaint (at the time) and then request other information be included? This didn't happen for the justices to ignore it or rule against it.
She's clever by half. I'm sure BU is proud.
One rung above Hank Johnson this idiot.
Well, maybe not anon. Might not find out until Jan 21st. RIght?