As promised.
Meet Peter Comey (brother to James Comey)
First, his mention in a congressional report:
Peter Comey works for DLAPiper, a MAJOR donor to not only at least two HRC campaigns, but the Clinton Foundation as well. Actually ranks #5 on the all-time HRC campaign donor list for 2016 (just ahead of Goldman Sachs) and a total of over $128,000 2008.
It should also be noted that it was none other than DLAPiper that did the "inependant audit" on the Clinton Foundation (talk about a conflict of interest!). That's right, a firm that between the Clinton Foundation and HRC campaigns has donated millions to them are the ones that performed the supposedly independent audit of the Clinton Foundation.
annnd from DLAPiper's own website.
Interesting, but wait…there's more.
Not only does Peter Comey work for DLAPiper, according to the same congressional report (on the same page, no less) it states that he did the redesign for the FBI building.
But wait, it gets better. James Comey holds the mortgage on Peter Comey's house (again, as said in the same congressional report linked above).
So, we have Peter Comey, who is indebted to his brother legally, working for the law firm that donated millions to HRC (including while his brother was investigating her) and the same firm does the supposed independent audit of the Clinton Foundation.
If none of this scream Conflicts Of Interest Everywhere You Turn to you…you might want to reread and then read it again.