Also looks like she is just trying to keep her shit together without her adrenochrome…
She's not telling all she knows …nor should she.
Where the hell even is Stacy Abrams? She conceded on election night after years spent pitching that she had been ripped off in the previous election
…Kanye has disappeared
-is this going to be the segue into alien abductions, or what?
I believe Hannity glimpsed his fate tonight on live Tv:
"How the hell can this be happening? This is not how any of this is supposed to work. What has happened to the people at the top …who also own me?"
Bottom line, IMO: Hannity freaked out because he didn't understand why Boebert isn't scared -and it scared him.
Pretty sure you've been talking to MAGA Ex-Patriot shill's "I'm one of you" personalities…
I guess you'll see.
My take on the script says she didn't defy Trump …she defied the machine and Hannity doesn't understand how that can be. He likely spent the night making phone calls to hear that everything is okay.
Your posts make it pretty clear you're not an American, but thanks for clearing it up for the slow people.
ALl the usual suspects are losing their minds over it. "We're being held hostage by a group of domestic terrorists!"
That show don't play anymore. Should be interesting days in their future.
Sell it harder -maybe throw in some slang from American Tv shows for the clincher.